Archive for the 'Math' Category

Feb 25 2014

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Published by under Math,Science,Words Your Way

Explosive job, Volcano Group! Here is your Volcano in a bottle video! Here is your volcano in a cup video! Here is your Volcano Presentation!

Flood group is tomorrow!

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WTW: Spelling Contract
Math: My Homework Ch8L5
Writing: Finish your essay on Utah Write on Save The Ice!

Don’t forget that we have an Arby’s Night Fundraiser tonight! Arby’s 5424 South 1900 West in Roy

30 responses so far

Feb 24 2014

Monday, February 24, 2014

Published by under Math,Science,Words Your Way

Great job on your presentation, Tornado/Hurricane group! Here is your video!

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Math: My Homework Ch8L5
WTW:Spelling Contract
Volcano Group presentation tomorrow at 9am!

If you access SAGE at home, please do not change the password as directed. We need to know that it is the same for testing. Thanks!

Also, as a reminder, we have the Direct Writing Assessment on Friday. We are currently writing an essay that is in Utah Write, Save the Ice!. Students may work on it at home as well as in class. Thanks!!

20 responses so far

Feb 20 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Congrats to all of our Fastt Math finishers! Great twisted tongues!

Spelling: contract due tomorrow!
Math: Problem Solving Ch8 L4
Brainiac due March 13…300 words or more {may be typed} and a visual

******ALERT******* We discussed changing our book report due date to March 5 due to DWA testing being on the same day and completing and presenting our Earth events the same week.

As a side note, parents are invited to attend their student’s presentation on their Earth event.

24 responses so far

Feb 18 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Published by under Math,Words Your Way

Welcome back from a wonderful three day weekend!

Good luck at your new school, McKenna! We will miss ya!

WTW: we are going to try using the Spelling contract again. I like giving students a choice and they like having one! Each assignment needs to be completed, stapled to the contract , and turned in on Friday.

Math: My Homework Ch8, L3

UPDATE on Maddi: she is doing really well! She loved her notes and pictures. She may even get to go home tomorrow!

25 responses so far

Feb 13 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Published by under Math,Words Your Way

Great job on the States and Capitals Test! Much improved!!
Be prepared for a lovely day tomorrow! We have dollar dress down!!!

{Dr. Seuss week is fast approaching. We will need to have the door decorated by February 28. Anyone want to help the students create a fun door?}

WTW: Sort and Glue
Math: Reteach Ch8L2
Read at least 20 minutes

25 responses so far

Feb 12 2014

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Yahoooie!! All permission slips and sign offs were turned in today! Valentine’s party on Friday from 10 – 11:45am!

WTW: Pick a story, comic strip, news article, or magazine story
Math: My Homework Ch8L2
Social Studies: States and Capitals test is tomorrow
Read 20 minutes or more {book report project has been handed out and is due by February 28}

Students are writing an opinion essay on why Valentine’s Day is celebrated. They may work on it at home. It is due on Friday.

27 responses so far

Feb 06 2014

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Published by under Language Arts,Math

Math: Four Coordinate Graphing (Plotted and colored}. Math test tomorrow.
Read for at least 20 minutes

The Writing Workshop will be held in our classroom from 6pm – 7:30pm {although I don’t think we will be that long.}

**Please make sure you have your book approved by February 11 for your Non-Fiction/Biography book report.**

19 responses so far

Feb 05 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Published by under Math

Too cute you all are! Thanks for the “heart attack”!

Read for 20 minutes or more
Math: Finish your graphing assignment {plotted, lines placed, and colored}
No WTW homework this week….

We will be having a writing workshop on Thursday, February 6 from 6 -7:30 at Q2. We have a Direct Writing Assessment coming up on February 28 {for our class} and as a Fifth Grade Team, would like to ensure success by enlisting parents to learn what the test is about and how they can assist their child. If you are interested in attending, please send me an email RSVP by February 4 so I can prepare the needed materials.

Here is a link to the scoring guide for the DWA Test!

18 responses so far

Jan 30 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Happy Friday Eve! Tomorrow is short day and Dollar Dress Down! We will be doing a read-a-thon as well, so if you have sponsor sheets to turn in, please make sure they are turned in tomorrow. SIS is updated with all work to date. Please check it to make sure all work is in and accounted for! “)

Great patterns lesson today!

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WTW: Sort and Glue

Math: My Homework Lesson 5

Social Studies: States and Capitals Test Tomorrow…great review today, by the way!

Science: Oil and Water SPOW due tomorrow.

33 responses so far

Jan 27 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014

Published by under Math,Science,Words Your Way

I can hardly believe that January is almost over! Where did the time go?

WTW: Alphabetize and define the first twelve words
Math: My Homework Chapter 7 Lesson 3
Read at least 20 minutes
SPOW due Friday

22 responses so far

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