Archive for the 'Math' Category

Nov 06 2013

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Published by under Math,Words Your Way

The picture fundraiser money is due! All we need is for each student to sell one sitting fee and we will be closer to purchasing a mobile class set of iPads!

Great job on your humanities project, Isaac!

Amazing job on your Humanities Project, McCartney!

{November Math at Home Calendars went home today, it is a required assignment due to the need for additional practice. It is due December 2. The calendar was not uploaded to the blog, yet, as Qactube was not taking my documents.} NovemberMathCalendar

Words Their Way: Define the other 12 words on your list

Math: Estimate, Divide, and check:
1. 1261 / 48    2.  1204 / 86    3. 428 / 61

22 responses so far

Nov 04 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

Published by under Language Arts,Math

Happy Monday!

homework: cut and sort your words. Write them into their categories nd bring in tomorrow.

Read at least 20 minutes.
finish your math sheet

and of course comment on the blog….as is the assignment everyday we are in school… discussed in class on many occasions….:)

31 responses so far

Oct 30 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Published by under Math,Words Your Way

The witching hour is fast approaching!

Great job on your Humanities Project, Joshua!

It was great to FaceTime with Tyler!!

Read at least 20 minutes
WTW: Sort and glue
Math: October Math Calendar is due tomorrow.

23 responses so far

Oct 28 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013

Can you even believe it is the end of October?!?

Don’t forget about the photo fundraiser! Here is the link to all the information!

Great job on your Humanities Project, Braxtonia!!

IMG_0194 IMG_0195 IMG_0197 IMG_0198 IMG_0196

Read 20 minutes or more…remember to get your folk tale, fable, fairytale, myth, or mythology book checked off EARLY!!! {If your book is not approved at least two weeks before the project is due, then the project will not be accepted.} Books should be approved by November 8.
WTW: sort and define 12 words
Math: Math Calendar and math facts

24 responses so far

Oct 23 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Published by under Math,Words Your Way

We are finishing up our ghostly stories and models! So much fun!

Read 20 minutes or more {Book Report is due on Friday!}
WTW: speed sort 
Math: finish work from Math time…

{Tomorrow is the last day for missing or “0” homework to be turned in.}

***If you were not aware, Friday October 25th is a dollar dress down day! IT IS NOT A SHORT DAY! Our short day this month is Halloween. 
Halloween is a short day AND a free dress down day. Students K-6 are allowed to wear costumes all day. 7-9 are not allowed to wear costumes, but are allowed to dress down.
November 1st is NOT a short day and is NOT a dress down day. It is a regular school day.
Halloween Festivities!
7th through 9th grades will have a costume Halloween Stomp October 25th from 6-8. The restrictions on costumes are as follows: no blood, gore,
weapons, violence, masks, or other face coverings. Students can use face
and hair paint, but must be removed for school the next day.
This year for Halloween, October 31st, K-6th will be participating in a
Halloween Parade! K-6th grades will be able to wear Halloween costume all day. Costume restrictions still apply. The parade will be from
9:00-10:00. Parents if you would like to share in the fun, please come to
the Q.2 gym. The parade will wind throughout the gym. We will have chairs set up so you can enjoy the show.
Please remember that October 31st is a short day, November 1st is not.***

34 responses so far

Oct 22 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fun, fun, fun!!!!

Read 20 minutes or more
WTW: Speed sort and then incorporate at least 10 words into a story
Math: none for the evening. We will be having a math test on Chapter 3 on Friday.

{The end of term is this Friday. Any “0” grades will need to be made up and turned in for half credit by Thursday. Report cards will be available on the 30th.}

35 responses so far

Oct 21 2013

Monday, October 21, 2013

Published by under Language Arts,Math

Back to the grindstone!!
Great job Alexus on your Humanities Project!!

The long awaited Brainiac Movie is now showing!!!

Read for 20 minutes or more…Your Mystery Book Report is due on Friday! {Just as a reminder…you are decorating a pumpkin as a character from your story and then summarizing the book. Also tell us why you chose to decorate your pumpkin after the character you did.}

Words Their Way:  Speed sort and then write them down in descending order of syllables.

1. A total of 47 students signed up to play soccer. If there are 4 teams, how many will be on each team?

2. Joel has 59 songs on his iPod. If he puts them into 7 groups, how many songs will there be in each group?

{I have 5 sets of lamination projects that need to be trimmed. If there are any parents who would like to cut them out at home for volunteer hours, I would be most appreciative…just let me know! thanks!}

42 responses so far

Oct 14 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

Published by under Language Arts,Math

Fantabulous Monday!!
Read 20 minutes or more
No Words Their Way this week
Math: Solve and check:
1. 586 / 2   
2. 639 / 4
3. 1577 / 6

Thank you Malya for teaching us a terrific art project for fall! Here is your video!IMG_0149 IMG_0152
And thank you Taven for moving your project to today and showing us Garage Band!! Rock on!! Unfortunately, I was unable to upload the music created..  Here is your video!
IMG_0146 IMG_0147

21 responses so far

Oct 10 2013

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Another great Thursday!! Here is Megan’s humanities Video!! Great job!!

Thank you Henry for a great Humanities lesson today! Here is your video!!IMG_0136 IMG_0138 IMG_0137
Don’t forget that Brainiacs are due on Tuesday…a 150 word research paper and a visual…

Read at least 20 minutes
Words Their Way: Sort and then glue words (be sure to label paper with sort number)
Math: Practice math facts and complete your calendar day.

{Any parents who are able to help out with the Halloween Party on the 31st from 10 – 11:30, it would be greatly appreciated! Mrs. Rogers has everything planned, she would just like a few more volunteers.  Thanks to Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Bly, Mr. Fong, Mrs. Bird, and Mrs. Clark who have volunteered thus far!!!}

33 responses so far

Oct 09 2013

Wednesday, October 9,2013

IMG_0128 IMG_0129
Great job on your humanities project, Ethan B.!! Here is your video!!!

Read 20 minutes or more
WTW:  Write a list of 12 words that match your pattern. {spelled correctly and real….like, can be found in the dictionary…ya’know?}
1. Denny volunteered to sell 372 refreshments at a sport game. He helped for 3 hours. If he sold an equal number of items each hour, how many items did he sell each hour? Draw a model and solve.
2. Faith earned $ 565 last week she earned the same amount each day. If she worked 5 days, how much did she earn each day? Draw a model and solve.

27 responses so far

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