Archive for the 'Math' Category

Sep 18 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

What a day! Much was learned about matter!!!

Read for 20 minutes or more
Spelling Contract 
Use the area model to solve the following problems:
1. 68 x 9   2. 45 x 4   3. 12 x 3  4. 93 x 7

bonus: k (c+b+a+e+g)

27 responses so far

Sep 17 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Published by under Language Arts,Math

ALL SPOWs were turned in today! Wahooie! On to Brainiacs! We will discuss this in more detail tomorrow.  **ACK! I forgot to hand out pictures today! We will have to remember to send them home tomorrow!**

Read 20 minutes or more
Spelling Contract
Use the area model, create your model, and solve each problem.
1. 37 x 5   2. 8 x 75     3. 28 x 4     4. 16 x 3

46 responses so far

Sep 16 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

Welcome back for another awesome week!

**Don’t forget about the fundraiser at Chik-Filet tonight from 5 – 7!!!**

SPOW is due tomorrow…

Read 20 minutes or more
Spelling contract
Find the pattern, create a table, and solve
1. In a recent year, one United States dollar was equal to about 82 Japanese yen. How many Japanese yen are equal to $100?  $1000?  $10,000?

2. Betsy is saving to buy an aquarium. She save $1 the first week, $3 the second week, $9 the third week asd so on. How much money will she save in 5 weeks?

50 responses so far

Sep 12 2013

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Published by under Math,Uncategorized

Whew! Explorers are done! Now onto the Colonies!

We received an amazing gift today in the mail from a friend of mine! BOOKS!!!!
Thank you Ms. Catherine for the gift! {Here is a video of our thanks!}

We had a great time in math today too! We raise our hand to exponents as a reminder that exponents are above the base number! Check out this video of our adventures with exponents! 

Spelling Contract is due tomorrow
Read for 20 minutes or more
MATH: Rewrite the equation another way and solve. {The number in parenthesis is your exponent, because I couldn’t figure out how to create one on the computer}
1. 320 x 10(3) 
2. 70×500
3. 10 (2) x 72
4. 80 x 3000

47 responses so far

Sep 11 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Published by under Math

Great discussion on your explorers today! We will wrap them up tomorrow…

Remember to be kind to others…

Spelling contract
Read 20 minutes or more
Math: Find the prime factors and write them with exponents, if applicable.
1. 110  2. 81  3.  255  4. 65

52 responses so far

May 17 2013

{PiZzA pArTy!}

Published by under Math

Next Friday, May 24, we will be having a class pizza party!! I will be providing the class with pizza for lunch, after a review of fractions, of course! Parents are invited to attend, as we will be watching a year end video of all the pictures taken, put to a catchy tune! Lunch will be at 11:30 pm and the movie will follow! Permission Slip is due by Thursday, May 23…   Dear Parents/Guardians, We are having a fractions review /Class movie party on May 24 at 11:30 am! All students and parents are invited to attend! Students will only be able to participate if written permission is returned to their teacher by Thursday, May 23rd.  If no permission is given, an alternate activity will be available. —————————————————————————————————————————————————–   ________     I  give my student _______________________________ permission to eat pizza.   ________     I do not wish my student to participate in this activity and would like him/her to participate in an alternate activity.   Signature:  _____________________________________________________________________________  

7 responses so far

May 02 2013

Thursday, May 2

Published by under Math

Phenomenal! Absolutely phenomenal! You are a such an amazing group of kiddos!! Keep up the good work, we only have one more test to do and then we are done with testing for the year!

Homework: Use StudyJams to review anything that you feel you need to review! Watch at least 2 presentations.



3: Final Math Test 9:30 – 10:30

7: Pictures on thumbdrives due!!!

8: Apple Store 8:15 at Roy FrontRunner Station

14: Ogden Nature Center for Third Grade, 10:30 – 2:30

14: Begin surprise countdown activities!

15: Fourth Grade: Rendezvous items due.

16: Fourth Grade Pizza Party at Quest, 5-6 pm {Our class is being asked to donate 2liter bottles of soda}

17: Fourth Grade Rendezvous and Economic Fair

22: Third and Fourth Grade to Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point {meet at Roy station at 8:15}

23: Talent Show 9am

23: Michael Vey assembly 1:45pm

24: Yearbook Day

27: No School

28: Last Day of School and Field Day

31 responses so far

May 01 2013

Wednesday, May 1

Published by under Math

Homework: Complete the review to question 96, if you have finished….watch a couple of StudyJams! MATH TESTING TOMORROW!!! {good night’s rest, yummy dinner and breakfast, be on time, and be HERE…happy!!}

25 responses so far

Apr 30 2013

Tuesday, April 30

Published by under Math

BRAINIACS for Fourth Grade will be presented tomorrow morning from 8:30 – 9:30. All parents are invited to attend!   HOMEWORK: PLEASE complete all review homework. We had way too many students not complete last night’s homework. Tonight you are to complete problems 33- 65… THIRD GRADE….FOURTH GRADE Blog about :Five activities you are interested in for the end of the school year….  

42 responses so far

Apr 29 2013

Monday, April 29

Published by under Homework,Math

Wow! You are one aMaZiNg group of kiddos!! Preliminary scores are phenomenal! Homework: This week we are reviewing for our Math test on Thursday and Friday. We will be going through some test release questions, completing 32 for homework each night. The FOURTH GRADE  and THIRD GRADE links are also on the blog. We will review the first 32 problems tomorrow.   Don’t forget to read and record as well! **check out the miles and kilometers of your driver today!**

20 responses so far

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