Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Nov 09 2012

Friday, November 9

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***Happy Snowy Weekend!***

15 responses so far

Nov 02 2012

Friday, November 2

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What a great week! Thank you parents for all you do! you have aMazInG kiddos! {i am sending home a November calendar as part of a project that will lead into a December project we will be doing in class. Students are to write down something they are grateful for each day of the month. On November 30, students are to bring in their calendar. Thanks!} HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!!! Don’t forget to change your clocks back an hour on Saturday night!

18 responses so far

Oct 31 2012

Wednesday, October 31

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I am truly amazed by these students! They did a phenomenal job with their pumpkins and book reports! Their creativity and energy during the Open House was amazing as well! Have a great evening and be safe!HalloweenHomeworkPassNotaTrickonlyaTreat

22 responses so far

Oct 29 2012

Quest Photo Fundraiser

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Quest is having a photo fundraiser!

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Oct 26 2012

Friday, October 26

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Have a great weekend! Report cards will be ready for viewing next week… BOOK REPORTS ARE DUE MONDAY!!! {if the pumpkin is carved, bring it in on Wednesday. All other pumpkins should be brought in on Monday. Thanks!}

8 responses so far

Oct 24 2012

Positive US!

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Oct 17 2012

WaCkY WeDnEsDaY!

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Thank you to all who attended Parent Teacher Conferences! I enjoyed visiting with you and sharing in the joy of your student’s accomplishments!! Have a great Fall Break!
English: Fall foliage in Southern California
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8 responses so far

Oct 05 2012

Friday, October 5

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Yahoo! We made it another week! AND what a fantabulous week it was! Remember…reading logs are due on Monday… I have the new ones already! **** Totally Awesome Book Report Project being announced on Monday!!!!**** Have an equally fantastic weekend! Mrs. Tucker
Beach shoes
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20 responses so far

Sep 28 2012


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Wow! I am so impressed with the Brainiac projects! We had a few computer glitches, but other than that…they did a phenomenal job! Have a great weekend! Mrs. Tucker
Flagler Beach

Flagler Beach (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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10 responses so far

Sep 25 2012

PaReNt CoNfeReNcEs are coming soon!!!

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We have Parent Conferences on Monday, October 15 , Tuesday October 16, and Wednesday, October 17. I will update in this post when someone has signed up for a specific time. I will do my best to work with schedules. See you then! October 15 3:30 Ethan Oliver πŸ™‚ 3:45 Jessie Baker πŸ™‚ 4:00 Braden Tolman πŸ™‚ 4:15 Hannah Miller πŸ™‚ 4:30 4:45 Tyler Mindrum πŸ™‚ 5:00 5:15 5:30 Brinley Ellsworth πŸ™‚ 6:15 6:30 Eli Clark πŸ™‚ 6:45 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45   October 16 3:30 Emily Rich πŸ™‚ 3:45 4:00 4:15 Isaac Haarala πŸ™‚ 4:30 Grayson Roest πŸ™‚ 4:45 5:00 5:15 Kayla Dean πŸ™‚ 5:30 6:15 Joshua Heath πŸ™‚ 6:30 Braxton Fong πŸ™‚ 6:45 Noah Barker πŸ™‚ 7:00 Ethan Barker πŸ™‚ 7:15 Leah Davis πŸ™‚ 7:30 7:45 October 17 1:45 Noah Robinson πŸ™‚ 2:00 Tyler Maylin πŸ™‚ 2:15 McCartney Bly πŸ™‚ 2:30 Madison Williams πŸ™‚ 2:45 Bryan Martin πŸ™‚ 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 Tyler Day πŸ™‚ 4:00 Justin Day πŸ™‚    

42 responses so far

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