Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Sep 20 2012

Thoroughly- Awesome- Thursday!

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We had a great day! Since it is the end of my week, because I will not be here tomorrow, it was wonderful! Homework for Third and Fourth Grade: Read for twenty minutes. Work on your SPOW and Brainiacs projects. Spelling test for this week will be on Monday! Don’t forget to make a comment on the blog! Have a great evening and weekend!

38 responses so far

Sep 18 2012

Terrific Tuesday!

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Homework for Third and Fourth Grade Read 20 minutes and record on yellow reading log Practice Words Their Way words Make a comment on the blog about the day.   Be prepared for tomorrow….the Pirates are coming!

44 responses so far

Sep 17 2012

{Field Trip for Fourth Graders}

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September 18, 2012

  Dear Parents:   It is time for our first field trip of the year. The fourth grade will be going to the “This is the Place Monument” on Thursday, October 4th. We will be leaving the school promptly at 8:35 and returning around 2:00. Every student will need a signed permission slip in order to participate. We are also asking for a donation of $3.00 per student to cover the cost of admission and the bus fee. Please give your donation to the front office as soon as possible. Because we will have no way to provide lunch for students on that day, each student will need to bring a lunch from home. Due to limited availability we can only have 5 parent volunteers per class, 3 from Mrs. Tucker’s class. If you would like to attend the field trip with your student please indicate so on the permission slip. Parent Volunteers will be selected on a first returned form, first selected. You are welcome to attend above the allowable amount, but you will need to provide your own transportation. All Parent Volunteers will be charged a $2.00 admission fee at the door.  As always, if you have any questions call or e-mail your child’s teacher.   Sincerely,  
The Fourth Grade Team  

Please return to the classroom teacher by September 25, 2012

    ___ I give my student, _____________________, permission to attend the fourth grade field trip to This Is The Place.   ___ I would like to be a parent volunteer on the field trip.   Phone number _____________________________________   Parent’s Signature: ___________________________________  

11 responses so far

Sep 14 2012

Fantastic Friday!

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What a way to end the week! We have had an awesome week! Looking forward to next week! Look for a letter about your students reading level…it was stapled into their planner today! Have a GrEaT weekend!! Mrs. Tucker

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Sep 12 2012

Wonderful Wednesday!

Published by under Homework,Uncategorized

Third Grade: Math: Write an organized list for $0.25 and an amount of your choice. {example: $0.10 10 pennies, 0 nickels, 0 dimes, 5 pennies, 1 nickel, 0 dimes, 0 pennies, 2 nickels, 0 dimes, 0 pennies, 0 nickels, 1 dime.} Social Studies: Home Address, City, Zip Read for at least 20 minutes and record on the yellow reading log. Fourth Grade: Math: You are buying an outfit for the next dress down day. Find your outfit online or from a catalog/ad and record the cost listed for each item. Then estimate the cost of each item and find the total cost. Social Studies: Begin thinking about Utah as we begin our study of all things Utah… Read for at least 20 minutes and record on the yellow reading log.   Have a great evening! Mrs. Tucker

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Sep 10 2012

Marvelous Monday!

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We are ready for a new week and the adventures that are ahead of us! Third and Fourth Grade homework We are going to be starting a project that goes along with the book “Flat Stanley” , that will incorporate writing, math, social studies, and reading! Students have been asked to bring in the names and addresses of at least two friends or family members that live outside of Utah that they can write to and will participate in our project. We will begin writing the letter tomorrow and mail them out by the end of the week.
Cover of "Flat Stanley (picture book edit...

Cover of Flat Stanley (picture book edition)

Enhanced by Zemanta

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Aug 31 2012

Wonderful Week!

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What a wonderful week! We are almost done with all of the testing and can now get down to business! Thank you to those who emailed me with a little note. This was so I could easily set up my email group for parents. I plan on sending out an email on a daily basis with the homework for the evening. This week I introduced the Brainiac! projects. The handout is at the top of the blog and will open as a Word document. This is a research project that will be completed on a monthly basis, with each month being a certain number of words. Students are to pick a topic that they want to learn more about and research it and then they can present their findings in almost any way they want. Their creativity and curiosity are the only limitations. Remember…there is no school on Monday. Have a great Labor Day! Mrs. Tucker

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Aug 25 2012

Whew! We made it through the first week!

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Wow! It is hard to believe that the first week is over! Now the real fun begins! Next week we will be doing a bit of testing to find out where everyone is so we can get moving with the curriculum. Some points of clarification: Daily homework will consist of unfinished classwork and completion of various projects. Students are to have their planner signed each evening, as it will be checked the next day. This allows for open communication and a daily visual of completed work. When all homework, including the planner signature by a parent or guardian, is completed, students will be able to  play “Homeworkopoly” for a chance to win prizes and for overall fun! Students are to read  each night for a minimum of 20 minutes and record it in their planner in the empty box each day. Volunteer opportunities include: after school parking lot duty, working with students {once we get the curriculum going}, at home work such as cutting out lamination and such, and field trips. Thank you for all you do to ensure your child is at school, ready to learn! We are going to have a great year! Please feel free to email, call, or stop by if there are any questions! Mrs. Tucker  

2 responses so far

Aug 19 2012

*Back to School Night*

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It was so wonderful to see you all at Back  to School Night! Next step on our adventure….the First Day of School!

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Aug 09 2012

Back to School Night

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Wow…summer is coming to a close and Back To School Night is coming upon us quickly! I look forward to seeing you August 16 at 5:30pm!

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