Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

May 15 2014

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Published by under Uncategorized

What a terrific day! Your movie trailers are looking awesome! We will be viewing them at 11:30am tomorrow….parents welcome!

I am so excited to see what you come up with for your inventors project! Remember that this project is done in class….bring in any supplies you may need to complete your invention. This project is due on Friday, May 23.

Check out this inventor and her life saving invention! 

Don’t forget, if you want to view the maturation video it is tonight at 4:30pm. The boys will view it in Ms. Favero’s room and the girls are in Mrs. Shelton’s.

12 responses so far

May 14 2014

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Published by under Uncategorized

Great job on the second part of the Math Test! You are FiNiShEd!! {Unless you have make-up testing to do….but you are almost finished!}

Tomorrow will be the final day to complete your stop motion….

11 responses so far

May 13 2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Published by under Uncategorized

Great job today with your stop motion videos!

Our {final} test is tomorrow! We will be taking the math test part two at 2pm. Please be sure to have a good lunch!

No HOMEWORK!!!! Come prepared with any last minute questions!

{Update on our iMovie/Parent luncheon on May 28: I am no longer able to provide pizza for lunch on the 28th due to administration saying that we have already had a “pizza party” this year, our lunch on the field trip to Fat Cats. So sorry! Please still plan on attending and bringing your own lunch and enjoying the afternoon with us!}

15 responses so far

May 12 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014

Published by under Uncategorized

Great job on your first day of Math Testing! Just one more day of testing, unless you have a make-up day!
No homework!

20 responses so far

May 09 2014

Friday, May 9, 2014

Published by under Uncategorized

Smashing day!! Enjoyed the lightning, thunder and rain!

Terrific job on the State Reports!

Tyler D







Lia P

Leah D






Ethan B 









9 responses so far

May 08 2014

Thursday, May 8, 2014

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Totally CrAzY Thursday! Due to internet issues, we did not test today. We are rescheduled for  part one on Monday, May 12 and part two on Wednesday, May 14.

Don’t forget that your State Report is due tomorrow.

Thank you for the sweet notes for Teacher’s Appreciation Week…

18 responses so far

May 07 2014

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Published by under Uncategorized

The permission slip for the May 21 field trip to Hill Air Force Museum went home today. {I know…another one?!? We are going to have such a blast these last few weeks of school!!!}

We have our Math Test Part One tomorrow at 10:20a. Be sure to have a good breakfast and come to school well rested. Be sure to bring a snack, if you choose to.

**POQA is still in need of 19 volunteers to help with the carnival. You can contact to get an assignment for the evening.**
Robot Math Homework!  🙂

**The teachers and staff that you wrote notes to today for Teacher Appreciation Week really appreciated them!

SAGE Math test on Thursday, May 9 and Monday May 12 at 10:20am.

Maturation video at the school on May 15 at 4:30pm. If you decide to watch the link at home, you do not need to attend that evening, as it is the same video that will be presented.

School Carnival May 16

Field Trips on  May 21, 22, and 29

No School on Monday, May 26

Parents, please accept my invitation to a pizza luncheon and iMovie of the year on May 28 at Noon. It will take place in our classroom. Please RSVP by May 27 so I know how much pizza to purchase! 🙂

10 responses so far

May 06 2014

Tuesday, May 6,2014

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You guys rock! Thanks for having a great day with Mrs. Ruby!
homework: math

13 responses so far

May 05 2014

Monday, May 5, 2014

Published by under Uncategorized

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Happy Revenge of the Fifth Day! {For the Star Wars Fans! To go with yesterday’s “May the 4th be with you”day!}

Great job on your Science Test today! If you have no make-ups for Science, then you have completed the Science portion! Onward and forward to Math on Thursday at 10:20am.

Permission slips for the Field Trips on May 22 and 29 went home today. We do have one more planned for May 21, but I am waiting for approval from administration before sending out a permission slip for that one. We have permission! We will be going to Hill Air Force Base to tour the Museum and then……head on over to the Air Traffic Control Tower!  We can take a maximum of 10 chaperones. I am so excited about this trip!!! Thanks to Mr. Fass for making it all possible!!

This is the last week for Box Tops, Coke lids, and Labels for Education.

{I will not be here tomorrow…but Mrs. Ruby will!}

Math Homework from Ch.11 Lesson 7

22 responses so far

May 02 2014

Friday, May 2, 2014

Published by under Uncategorized

What a fantastic week of review and testing! Have a great weekend!

Remember that we have the final installment of the Science Test on Monday at 1:30p.  Our Math tests are on Thursday, May 8 and Monday, May 12. Then we are done, barring any make-up tests!

If you would like to chaperone one of our field trips on either May 22 to Fat Cats or May 29 to Thanksgiving Point, leave a note on the blog or email me! Thanks!

10 responses so far

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