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Dec 16 2013

{Nutcracker Field Trip Information}

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We are to meet at the FrontRunner Station in Roy {4155 S. Sandridge Road} by 8:30 am. We will then depart on our long journey to Ogden….

We will walk down to the Christmas Village and walk around to see all of the cute villagers and then head over to Peery’s Egyptian Theater to watch the famous Isaac perform. Following which we will eat lunch and then head over to the Union Station to check out the trains and such.

We will catch the earliest train from Ogden to Roy, which will be at 3:09p and get back to the Roy station by 3:17p. Please pick your child up at the station shortly following our return.

If parents who are chaperoning would rather take their student and meet us at the Ogden Station they are welcome to do so. Any parent that wishes to take thier child home after the ballet, is also welcome to do so. I will have a check out sheet with me so that you do not have to come back to the school to check them out. { I need to know tonight if you are transporting your own child so that I do not purchase a ticket for them tomorrow, please!}

Looking forward to a FaNtaStiCal day!!!

26 responses so far

Dec 15 2013

Sunday, December 15, 2013

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If anyone has a stapler they are able to bring to school tomorrow for Eli’s humanities project, that would be great! If it is a tiny one, then that is even better! thanks!

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Dec 13 2013

Friday, December 13, 2013

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Have a terrific weekend!!

17 responses so far

Dec 04 2013

Yearbook Cover

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This just in…….
It’s that time of year to create your entry for the Yearbook Cover Contest! We will have two yearbooks again this year: Grades K-5 and 6-9. Each book will have a front and a back cover chosen. Please be very aware of the following requirements. 
Entries need to include:
Quest Academy Charter School
*No copyrighted materials
8.5″ x 11″ (Letter size)
Portrait orientation 
Artists may use any medium as long as it fits the perimeters listed above.
Turn entries into Mrs. Islas by December 20 at 1:00 PM to be considered for the yearbook. Entries turned in after that date will not qualify for the contest.
Good luck and Happy Drawing!

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Dec 04 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

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What a fantabulous day!!!

Great job on your humanities project, Ethan O!

IMG_0402 IMG_0403 IMG_0404 IMG_0405 IMG_0406 IMG_0407 IMG_0408 IMG_0409 IMG_0410

Read for at least 20 minutes {Remember that you need to get your book approved by Friday!}
Science: Work on SPOW….due December 13
WTW: Use at least 12 words in a story
Math: Practice your math facts. Since we had a test today, we will not have homework tonight.
Please costume your Santa and return by Friday.

34 responses so far

Nov 28 2013

Thursday, November 28, 2013

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Happy Thanksgiving!

7 responses so far

Nov 22 2013

Friday, November 22, 2013

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The blankets are done! What a heart warming expression of hope from these kiddos! {I realized as the pictures went up that not everyone got an individual picture…at least we are all in the group shot!}

IMG_0362 IMG_0364 IMG_0365 IMG_0366 IMG_0367 IMG_0368 IMG_0369 IMG_0370 IMG_0371 IMG_0372 IMG_0373 IMG_0374 IMG_0375 IMG_0376 IMG_0377 IMG_0378 IMG_0379 IMG_0380 IMG_0381 IMG_0382 IMG_1586

26 responses so far

Nov 21 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

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We have had many discussions over the past weeks about what we are thankful for. One of the things that we are grateful for is that we have ways to be comforted and warm. As one of our service learning opportunities this year, we are making blankets for a women’s and children’s shelter. The students selected the blankets, are quilting them, and are making a fun fringe for their blanket. One of the special parts of this blanket is the heart that they sew onto the corner of the blanket with a note saying, “From a little friend in Utah. A warm hug from me to you.”


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14 responses so far

Nov 20 2013

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

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WTW: sort and glue
read 20 minutes or more
Math: Round to the nearest tenth and the nearest one and solve {each problem is worth 3 points}
1. 4.56 + 12.5
2. 96.33 + 2.4
3. 876.56 + 90.4

27 responses so far

Nov 15 2013

Friday, November 15, 2013

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What a great field trip! Once it got started, no one wanted it to end! Thanks to our fabulous chaperones: Mrs. Pio, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Judkins, Ms. Crozier, Mr. Day, Mr. Fong, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Endo, and Mr. Hutchinson!

19 responses so far

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