Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Nov 05 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Published by under Uncategorized

Pick 12 words their way words and define
read 20 minutes or more

25 responses so far

Nov 01 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013

Published by under Uncategorized

Have a terrific weekend!!

Permission slips for the Weber State Art Field Trip went home today. We need as many chaperones as we can get! {For the life of me I can’t remember who all said they would like to attend!! Ugh! Please let me know! Thanks!}

SIS is all updated! Please check it! A new packet went home of homework from October 26 to today…

{FYI: I will be out on Monday and Tuesday.}

18 responses so far

Oct 31 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Published by under Uncategorized

Happy Halloween! Be safe!

Thank you Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Bird, Mrs. Bly, Mr. Fong, and Mrs. Butler for your help today!

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9 responses so far

Oct 29 2013

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Published by under Uncategorized

Just a reminder to “fall” back an hour on Sunday!

Our first field trip is coming up on November 15 to the Weber State Art Museum. We can take as many chaperones as we would like this time….just let me know who is attending!

Read for at least 20 minutes

Math: Lesson 1 Enrich, Chapter 4

Words Their Way: Speed sort and reverse alphabetical order

33 responses so far

Oct 25 2013

Friday, October 25, 2013

Published by under Uncategorized

Great day! Thank you for all of your help with Positive Me: Make a Positive Difference in the World!

Have a great weekend!
IMG_1537IMG_1538 IMG_1542 IMG_1541 IMG_1548 IMG_1540 IMG_1543 IMG_1546 IMG_1547 IMG_1539 IMG_1544 IMG_1545

15 responses so far

Oct 15 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Published by under Uncategorized

Have a great Fall Break!
{ great job on brainiacs! I am still working on uploading them!}

15 responses so far

Oct 04 2013

Friday, October 4, 2013

Published by under Uncategorized

Happy Friday! I have missed being with my little chickens!!! I know Mrs. Ruby has had a wonderful time with you all! That’s ’cause you are AwEsOmE!!!

Have a great weekend! See you on Monday!

14 responses so far

Sep 29 2013

Parent- Student-Teacher Conferences!

Published by under Uncategorized

Don’t forget to sign-up for your conference time! They are only on the blog and are listed under the tab “Parent- Student-Teacher Conferences”.

I look forward to seeing you!

Mrs. Tucker

One response so far

Sep 27 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013

Published by under Uncategorized

Happy Friday! You did a great job with all of the testing today! 
Have a great weekend!

15 responses so far

Sep 19 2013

Pirates have invaded Tucker Beach!

Published by under Uncategorized

IMG_1487 IMG_1486 IMG_1485 IMG_1484 IMG_1482 IMG_1481 IMG_1480 IMG_1479 IMG_1478 IMG_1477 IMG_1476 IMG_1475 IMG_1474 IMG_1473 IMG_1472 IMG_1471 IMG_1488 IMG_1489 IMG_1470 IMG_1469 IMG_1490 IMG_1491 IMG_1468 IMG_1492 IMG_1467 IMG_1493 IMG_1495

4 responses so far

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