Archive for the 'Words Your Way' Category

Oct 22 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fun, fun, fun!!!!

Read 20 minutes or more
WTW: Speed sort and then incorporate at least 10 words into a story
Math: none for the evening. We will be having a math test on Chapter 3 on Friday.

{The end of term is this Friday. Any “0” grades will need to be made up and turned in for half credit by Thursday. Report cards will be available on the 30th.}

35 responses so far

Oct 10 2013

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Another great Thursday!! Here is Megan’s humanities Video!! Great job!!

Thank you Henry for a great Humanities lesson today! Here is your video!!IMG_0136 IMG_0138 IMG_0137
Don’t forget that Brainiacs are due on Tuesday…a 150 word research paper and a visual…

Read at least 20 minutes
Words Their Way: Sort and then glue words (be sure to label paper with sort number)
Math: Practice math facts and complete your calendar day.

{Any parents who are able to help out with the Halloween Party on the 31st from 10 – 11:30, it would be greatly appreciated! Mrs. Rogers has everything planned, she would just like a few more volunteers.  Thanks to Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Bly, Mr. Fong, Mrs. Bird, and Mrs. Clark who have volunteered thus far!!!}

33 responses so far

Oct 09 2013

Wednesday, October 9,2013

IMG_0128 IMG_0129
Great job on your humanities project, Ethan B.!! Here is your video!!!

Read 20 minutes or more
WTW:  Write a list of 12 words that match your pattern. {spelled correctly and real….like, can be found in the dictionary…ya’know?}
1. Denny volunteered to sell 372 refreshments at a sport game. He helped for 3 hours. If he sold an equal number of items each hour, how many items did he sell each hour? Draw a model and solve.
2. Faith earned $ 565 last week she earned the same amount each day. If she worked 5 days, how much did she earn each day? Draw a model and solve.

27 responses so far

Oct 08 2013

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Don’t forget parent conferences start tomorrow! Thank you to all for signing up! Remember…students need to be at the conference as well…

Read 20 minutes or more
WTW: speed sort…try to beat your best time!
Math:Estimate and solve.
1.The math department bought 240 rulers to be divided equally among 30 classrooms. How many will each classroom receive?
2.A grocery store employee puts 8 bagels in each bag. If she has 385 bagels, about how many bags does she need?

31 responses so far

Oct 03 2013

Thursday, October 3, 2013

I hope you had a great Thursday!


Read 20 minutes or more

Math: Finish the page given in class and October Calendar

Words Their Way: Glue your words according to your sort and turn it in tomorrow. I will test you on Monday…

**October Book Report~ Students are to read a Mystery book, on their reading level that is about 150 pages.  The project is to decorate a pumpkin according to their imagination as to how a character from the book appears. Bring in the pumpkin on the 25th of October and describe the pumpkin and give a brief summary of the book.***

25 responses so far

Oct 02 2013

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Published by under Math,Words Your Way

AmAzInG day!!

Thank you to Maddison for her fantabulous humanities lesson on Triangle Art! So fun!!
IMG_0099 IMG_0100 triangle_art1

Read at least 20 minutes
Words Their Way: Speed Sort…see if you can beat your time from centers.
Math: Be sure to do your daily problem on your calendar…

{Just as an FYI…I will not be here Thursday or Friday! Have a good time with Mrs. Ruby!}

21 responses so far

Oct 01 2013

Tuesday, OcToBeR 1, 2013

I can hardly believe that it is October already!

Humanities reminder: Maddison has an art lesson for us tomorrow.

Read at least 20 minutes.
Don’t forget to get your book approved for your mystery book report.
Math: Write the fact families for 24, 81, and 42 using multiplication and division.
Spelling:Define ten words and bring in those definitions.
BRAINIAC DUE October 15.

42 responses so far

Sep 30 2013

Monday, September 30, 2013

The beginning of another fantastic week!!

Read at least 20 minutes.
Spelling: Sort your words and place them in their groups. Write them in their groups and bring in the groupings tomorrow.
Math: 1. The floor of a small foyer is made with square ceramic tiles. Each tile has a side length of 7 inches. If the dimensions of the floor are 28 x42 inches, how many ceramic tiles will be needed? 
2. Solve: seven times ten cubed
3. Write the prime factorization of 70.

{Just as a suggestion: Pack a zippie with two granola bars, some nuts, and a few non-perishable treats to be used in case of an emergency…just in case…}

*****Also, If there are any creative, party crazy parent/volunteers who would like to throw our class Halloween Party…let me know! Thanks! *****

34 responses so far

Apr 08 2013

Monday, April 8

Welcome back from a lovely break! Here are a few items for your calendar: April 11: 4th grade Science Test {10:30 am} April 12: 4th grade Science Test {10:30 am} April 19: Third grade Habitat project due {Research is to be completed in class, only representation of habitat needs to be done at home} April 22: Thanksgiving Point for the Tulip Festival {8:30am – 3pm} Parent Chaperones Welcome to attend..we would like five parents for this trip! April 25: Third and Fourth grade English Language Arts test {9:30am} April 26: Third and Fourth grade English Language Arts test {9:30 am} May 8: Field Trip to the Apple Store {8:30am – 3pm} Parent Chaperones Welcome to attend…we can take as many as want to go! HOMEWORK: Third: IXL H6, read and record, practice Words Their Way words Fourth: IXL J5, read and record,practice Words Their Way words

28 responses so far

Oct 29 2012

Words Their Way lists… for week of October 29

Published by under Words Your Way

Green 37 Green 38 Green 40 Green 41 Green 46 Blue 6 Blue 7 Blue 8 Blue 9 Blue 10 Blue 18 Blue 22 Blue 23

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