Archive for the 'Words Your Way' Category

Sep 24 2012


Published by under Homework,Words Your Way

      Welcome back to another lovely week! While I was away, the class received many “warm fuzzies” for the compliments they received! Therefore, they have earned a “bring your own game” activity for Wednesday! Third and Fourth Grade Homework for tonight: Read 20 minutes. New logs will be distributed tomorrow. In the meantime, record minutes in their planner. Practice word sorts for spelling. I will print out one copy of their words. If they are lost, eaten by the dog, or confiscated by aliens, then the lists are below for them to copy again. Of course, comment on the blog!       Words Their Way Sorts for the week:  Blue Sort 5 Blue Sort 6 Blue Sort 18 Blue Sort 19 Green Sort 39 Green Sort 40 Green Sort 43                              

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