Dec 06 2013

Friday, December 6, 2013

Published by under Language Arts

Have a great weekend! Stay warm!

Great job on your humanities project, Matthew!

IMG_0417 IMG_0418 IMG_0419 IMG_0420 IMG_0421 IMG_0422 IMG_0423 IMG_0424 IMG_0425 IMG_0426!

7 responses so far

Dec 05 2013

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Great job on your humanities project, Amyah!

WTW: sort and glue

Math: None tonight due to the pretest and introduction of Chapter 6.

Language Arts: Finish typing your Santa Suit Opinion Essay and dressing your Santa…both are due tomorrow.
{be sure to get your book approved by tomorrow….tomorrow is the deadline}

30 responses so far

Dec 04 2013

Yearbook Cover

Published by under Uncategorized

This just in…….
It’s that time of year to create your entry for the Yearbook Cover Contest! We will have two yearbooks again this year: Grades K-5 and 6-9. Each book will have a front and a back cover chosen. Please be very aware of the following requirements. 
Entries need to include:
Quest Academy Charter School
*No copyrighted materials
8.5″ x 11″ (Letter size)
Portrait orientation 
Artists may use any medium as long as it fits the perimeters listed above.
Turn entries into Mrs. Islas by December 20 at 1:00 PM to be considered for the yearbook. Entries turned in after that date will not qualify for the contest.
Good luck and Happy Drawing!

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Dec 04 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Published by under Uncategorized

What a fantabulous day!!!

Great job on your humanities project, Ethan O!

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Read for at least 20 minutes {Remember that you need to get your book approved by Friday!}
Science: Work on SPOW….due December 13
WTW: Use at least 12 words in a story
Math: Practice your math facts. Since we had a test today, we will not have homework tonight.
Please costume your Santa and return by Friday.

34 responses so far

Dec 03 2013

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Great job on your Humanities Project, McKenna!

IMG_0393 IMG_0394 IMG_0395 IMG_0396 IMG_0397 IMG_0398 IMG_0399

Yeah!! All who requested to be chaperones yesterday will be able to attend! We were granted our request of extra chaperone tickets!!! {So, that means that Mrs. Barker, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Day, Mr. Day, Mrs. Mindrum, Mrs. Judkins, Mrs. Marten, Grandma Spencer, and Mr. Fass are all able to go…anyone else interested? Please let me know today so I can update our number! The only thing you are responsible for is your train fare to Ogden and back to Roy.}

Read for at least 20 minutes
WTW: Define all of  your words
Math: Math test tomorrow on addition and subtraction of decimals

25 responses so far

Dec 02 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013

Published by under Language Arts,Math

Welcome back from a fantastic break! I am so happy we are all back together again!

Words Their Way: Sort and Alphabetize according to category
Read at least 20 minutes. The next book report is Fantasy/Science Fiction. The project will not be due until January 17.
Math: Enrich Lesson 10, Chapter 5….math test tomorrow

Math-At-Home calendars for December were distributed today. It is due December 20. {DO NOT FORGET TO TURN IN YOUR NOVEMBER CALENDAR! PLEASE TURN THEM IN BY TOMORROW!}
A SPOW was distributed today as well. It is due December 13.

{We have a field trip coming up on December 17, to see the famous Isaac in the Nutcracker performance at Peery’s Egyptian Theater. I would love to take every parent who would like to attend, but alas, I am unable to. I am working to get a few more chaperone spots, as we will be taking the FrontRunner and then walking about in Ogden.  As it stands, I am allowed two chaperones. I am thinking that the best way to handle the chaperone situation is to have all who want to chaperone let me know on the blog and then I will randomly select two from  a hat. Please let me know by Friday, December 6 so we can post the decision at that time.}  Currently our next field trip is scheduled for March 2 to the Symphony in Salt Lake.

41 responses so far

Dec 01 2013

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Published by under Writing

Happy December 1st!

Just a quick note to let you know I got an email from NANO informing me of how we can still upload your novels on Monday. So do not fret, my friends, we will get it all accounted for! See you tomorrow!

2 responses so far

Nov 28 2013

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Published by under Uncategorized

Happy Thanksgiving!

7 responses so far

Nov 22 2013

Friday, November 22, 2013

Published by under Uncategorized

The blankets are done! What a heart warming expression of hope from these kiddos! {I realized as the pictures went up that not everyone got an individual picture…at least we are all in the group shot!}

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26 responses so far

Nov 22 2013

Friday,, November 22, 2013

Published by under Language Arts

Have a great break!!

The games are PhEnOmInAl!!!!

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8 responses so far

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