Nov 21 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Published by under Language Arts,Math

Great job on your Humanities Project, Bowman!

Book Report is due tomorrow!
Math: Work on November Calendar
Read for at least 20 minutes

Tomorrow is Dollar Dress Down and a short day!

POQA Newsletter for December

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19 responses so far

Nov 21 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Published by under Uncategorized

We have had many discussions over the past weeks about what we are thankful for. One of the things that we are grateful for is that we have ways to be comforted and warm. As one of our service learning opportunities this year, we are making blankets for a women’s and children’s shelter. The students selected the blankets, are quilting them, and are making a fun fringe for their blanket. One of the special parts of this blanket is the heart that they sew onto the corner of the blanket with a note saying, “From a little friend in Utah. A warm hug from me to you.”


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14 responses so far

Nov 20 2013

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Published by under Uncategorized

WTW: sort and glue
read 20 minutes or more
Math: Round to the nearest tenth and the nearest one and solve {each problem is worth 3 points}
1. 4.56 + 12.5
2. 96.33 + 2.4
3. 876.56 + 90.4

27 responses so far

Nov 19 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Published by under Math,Words Your Way

Great job on your Humanities Project, Olivia!

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WTW: define your words
Math: Complete your Enrichment sheet
Read 20 minutes or more

28 responses so far

Nov 18 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

Wow…November is just flying by!!

{just as an fyi..I will not be here in the morning, Mr. Tucker has a follow-up appointment for his knee. I will be here for the afternoon, though!}

Great job on your Humanities Project, Lia!

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WTW: Sort and alphabetize according to category
Math: None this evening due to a pretest of Chapter 5
Read 20 minutes or more
Book Report is due on Friday…

{We are going to have our Words Their Way test on Thursday this week}

30 responses so far

Nov 15 2013

Friday, November 15, 2013

Published by under Uncategorized

What a great field trip! Once it got started, no one wanted it to end! Thanks to our fabulous chaperones: Mrs. Pio, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Judkins, Ms. Crozier, Mr. Day, Mr. Fong, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Endo, and Mr. Hutchinson!

19 responses so far

Nov 14 2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Published by under Language Arts

Great Humanities Project, Hannah!

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Read for 20 minutes or more
Math Calendar

Reminders about the field trip….

  • DO NOT BE LATE! We will be leaving right when school starts to be at Weber State by 9am. 
  • Please bring a shirt to cover your uniform shirt, something that can get grubby, just in case! 
  • Please wear a dark blue uniform shirt.
  • I have suggested that students bring a sack lunch to school that day because we may get back a smidge late for lunch and that will make it easier for the kitchen staff.
  • Our fantabulous parent volunteers that have signed up so far are as follows: Mrs. Bird, Ms. Crozier, Mr. Day, Mr. Endo, Mr. Hutchinson, Mr. Judkins, Mr. Kelley, Ms. Savage, Mrs. Davis, and Mr. Fong. You are welcome to ride the bus with us too! Please note that no small or other children are able to attend with us…thanks for your understanding! Also, you are welcome to eat lunch in the classroom with us after the field trip.

28 responses so far

Nov 13 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

CAUTION!! PICTURE OVERLOAD! So many great things to document today!

WTW: Sort and glue
Language Arts: Type your Worried Turkey story
Math: Math Test tomorrow

Great job on your Humanities Project, Tyler D!

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Amazing turkey disguises!! Here are a few of the stories submitted! And all of the turkey’s and their disguises!

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24 responses so far

Nov 12 2013

Tuesday, November 11, 2013

Happy 11-12-13! AND only 123 days of school left….{Just some fun with numbers since the math program was not working today}

{We are going to begin our blanket project and would love to have some parents come in next week to help us get them done. Let me know if you are interested! Thanks!}

Read for at least 20 minutes.

WTW: Alphabetize the words within their category.

Writing: Complete your Worried Turkey essay and disguise your turkey…both are due tomorrow.

Great job on your Humanities Project, Aubry!

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23 responses so far

Nov 11 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

Published by under Math,Words Your Way

Happy Veteran’s Day!

WTW: Speed Sort and write your words in their categories
Math: Math page Ch.4 L. 6. Complete according to directions.

Packet went home tonight, the tear off is due November 14!

Great job on your Humanities Project, Tyler M!

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24 responses so far

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