Sep 11 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Published by under Math

Great discussion on your explorers today! We will wrap them up tomorrow…

Remember to be kind to others…

Spelling contract
Read 20 minutes or more
Math: Find the prime factors and write them with exponents, if applicable.
1. 110  2. 81  3.  255  4. 65

52 responses so far

Sep 10 2013

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Published by under Uncategorized

Great art lesson today! Thanks Mrs. Pittman!

Spelling Contract
Read 20 minutes or more
Comment on the blog
Write out the prime factors of the following numbers:
1. 50   2. 81  3. 65  4. 28

42 responses so far

Sep 09 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013

Published by under Language Arts,Science

And we’re off on another grand adventure!

Spelling Contract
Read for 20 minutes or more
Comment on Blog
SPOW due on September 17
Book report due on September 20
Book Orders due September 20

54 responses so far

Sep 06 2013

Friday, September 6, 2013

Published by under Uncategorized

Great week! I can’t believe another week is gone!!!

Have a great weekend!

41 responses so far

Sep 05 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Published by under Homework,Language Arts

We have finished with our first chapter in math……so we will have our first test on Place Value tomorrow.
The directions and template for the book report are on the blog, so you may work on it when you are ready to! 
Read 20 minutes or more
Comment on the blog
Spelling Contract is due tomorrow…spelling test tomorrow!

70 responses so far

Sep 04 2013

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Published by under Uncategorized

Ugh! the link won’t work! I guess that means you are off the hook for your math homework tonight!

Don’t forget to work on your spelling contract, read for 20 minutes or more, and work on that SPOW!

53 responses so far

Sep 03 2013

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Published by under Homework,Language Arts

**Just an FYI….POQA has information posted on Facebook under Quest! Be sure to check our school blog and website for information on committee meetings, information on dress down, voting and school notifications. **

Homework: Spelling contract, read for 20 minutes or more, comment on the blog, SPOW (Science Project of the Week) was passed out today and is due on September 17. Be sure to be working on your book for your book report that is due on September 20. The project will be given out tomorrow.

35 responses so far

Aug 30 2013

Friday, August 30, 2013

Published by under Uncategorized

What a great week! See you on Tuesday!!

Thank you to all who completed their homework this week! Your spelling contracts looked great!

16 responses so far

Aug 29 2013

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Published by under Language Arts

Gummy Bear Science was a success!! A stinky one too!
Gummy Bear recap video!    Gummy bear recap take 2!
Homework and Reminders:
Complete your spelling contract, it is due tomorrow!
Read for 20 minutes or more.
Comment on the blog.


Also: Ethan B, Olivia, and McCartney have their ME bag tomorrow!

48 responses so far

Aug 28 2013

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Published by under Homework

We got so excited about the experiment that we forgot planners!
Work on Spelling Contract, read for 20 minutes or more, comment on blog, get planner signed!
Have a stupendous evening!

Gummy bear science is well underway! Video of awesomeness!!

IMG_0017No Gummy Bears were consumed by studentsIMG_0018
during this experiment! They were used as scientific tools! 
IMG_0015 IMG_0014 IMG_0009 IMG_0011 IMG_0012 IMG_0013 IMG_0008 IMG_0007 IMG_0006

32 responses so far

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