Jun 07 2013


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Finally! I forgot about it for a second, so here it is! Enjoy! I miss you guys already!!

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May 29 2013


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I feel like the luckiest teacher around! I have had the wonderful opportunity to have been in the presence of greatness…YOU! You have been one of the greatest groups that I have had the honor of being the facilitator of your learning process. Thank you for the smiles, laughs, adventures, and memories! May you have an amazing Summer break! See you in August!

4 responses so far

May 24 2013


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Thank you for a fantastical year!!! The video is here!!

6 responses so far

May 23 2013

Thursday, May 23

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WOWZERS!!! Thank you soooooo much Tyler M and Riley, Mr. Davis and his rolly cart and  Mr. and Mrs. Day, Mrs. Heath, and the Dayletts and Heathletts! Also thanks to Ms. Stokes, Mrs. Newton, Mrs. Hutchinson, Mrs. Schneider, and my mom for the help! We finished in record time!!! Free Dress Down tomorrow! Our Tentative Schedule for tomorrow… 8:30 – 9:45 Yearbook signing 9:45 – 11 Charlotte’s Web 11 – 11:30 Pre-party 11:30 – 12:30 PIZZA PARTY AND IMOVIE!!! {Bring your favorite lunchtime drink to go with your pizza…    😉   } 12:30 – 1:00 clean -up 1:00 Say our goodbyes for a spell!    

18 responses so far

May 22 2013

Wednesday, May 22

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What an awesome field  trip!!! Tomorrow we have a FrEe Dress Down and electronics day. Thank you to our chaperones today: Mr. Day, Mrs. Day, Mrs. Williams, and Mrs. Barker! YOU ROCK!!!

18 responses so far

May 21 2013

Tuesday, May 21

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I would like to have a head count of parents that will be attending the movie/pizza party on Friday at 11:30am, so that I have enough pizza and such! Also…if anyone is planning on helping on Thursday, please let me know as well. thanks. FIELD TRIP TOMORROW!!! Don’t forget to bring a lunch, water bottle, camera (if you wish), and be at the Roy Station by 8:15am so that we can get organized and be ready to go. There will be five other classes there at the same time, so please pay attention. Pick up will be at 2:47 pm and the new rule is that you have to sign out your student before taking them, so please sign them out with me before leaving the station… Field Trip Groups are as follows: Mrs. Williams:   1. Madison 2. Alyssa 3. Emily 4. Jessie 5. Brinley Mr. Day 1. Tyler D 2. Elijah 3. McCartney 4. Joshua Mrs. Day 1.Isaac 2. Justin 3. Kayla 4. Noah R Mrs. Mindrum 1. Grayson 2. Ethan O 3. Leah 4. Tyler Ann Mrs. Barker 1. Bryan 2. Ethan B 3. Noah B 4.Braxton Mrs. Tucker 1. Jackson 2. Tyler M 3 Braden

28 responses so far

May 20 2013

monday, may 20

Published by under Language Arts

Holy macaroni and cheese!! It is the last full week! I can hardly stand it!!! Tomorrow we will be having our final art lesson….any donations of salt {we need eight more} or sidewalk chalk {we need two} would be appreciated! {Thanks Mrs. Clark for the two containers of salt!} We will also be cleaning out their desks and take home all of their papers and projects that are still hanging up around our room and hall. Also, moving day is still Thursday at 3:30…any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks to those who have volunteered already!! {If you are planning on helping out, would you mind letting me know so I can plan accordingly? Thanks!} Field Trip is Wednesday! {Chaperones are Mrs. Mindrum, Mr. Day, Mrs. Day, Mrs. Rich, and Mrs. Barker!} We will meet at the FrontRunner station by 8:15. We are not the only class going, so it will be a bit busier… Oops! I forgot to print out the permission slips! I will send them home tomorrow!

12 responses so far

May 17 2013

{PiZzA pArTy!}

Published by under Math

Next Friday, May 24, we will be having a class pizza party!! I will be providing the class with pizza for lunch, after a review of fractions, of course! Parents are invited to attend, as we will be watching a year end video of all the pictures taken, put to a catchy tune! Lunch will be at 11:30 pm and the movie will follow! Permission Slip is due by Thursday, May 23…   Dear Parents/Guardians, We are having a fractions review /Class movie party on May 24 at 11:30 am! All students and parents are invited to attend! Students will only be able to participate if written permission is returned to their teacher by Thursday, May 23rd.  If no permission is given, an alternate activity will be available. —————————————————————————————————————————————————–   ________     I  give my student _______________________________ permission to eat pizza.   ________     I do not wish my student to participate in this activity and would like him/her to participate in an alternate activity.   Signature:  _____________________________________________________________________________  

7 responses so far

May 17 2013

Friday, May 17

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What a great couple of days!! Thank you for your participation in the Rendezvous and Economics Fair! It was a blast! {We are going to do a final art project with Mrs. Pittman, our Art Specialist, and she is asking for us to help this time by bringing in 10 containers of salt, the round kind with the little pour spout, and 2 boxes of chalk. Thanks!}

Thanks to Mrs. Schneider for the pictures!!

4 responses so far

May 15 2013

Field Day Update….

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This is an email to teachers from POQA: “When students arrive at school, they will NOT go out to the playground, but will go directly to their classrooms. Once they have all arrived, teachers will bring them to the gym, leaving their lunches (in a class tote or other) in the hallway outside the gym.  From there, you may take them to your designated section (described below). Once they are out of the building, we will be blocking off the hallways so they do not have access to the classrooms but can still use the restrooms and water fountains. We are going to group the games into sections and will assign each grade to a section. There will be several games within a section. Teachers will remain with their classes and be given about 40 minutes for their classes to do which ever games they want to in the section during their allotted time. That way, you’re with your kids, yet they still have some flexibility to play the games that interest them. When it’s time to rotate, you will have five minutes to get to the next section.   We will have four sections: red, blue, green and yellow. There are several games within each section. The rotation will be clockwise by grade as follows (which will make more sense when you see it):   RED                                    BLUE                                    YELLOW                  GREEN 9:00 – 9:40                  K                                    1&2                                    3&4                                    5 9:45 – 10:25                  5                                    K                                    1&2                                    3&4 10:30 – 11:10                  3&4                                    5                                    K                                    1&2 11:15 – 11:45                  LUNCH 11:50 – 12:30                  1&2                                    3&4                                    5                                    K 12:35 – 1:00                   PACK UP AND TREATS   RED is in the northwest corner of the property including the playground and the obstacle course. BLUE is in the northeast corner. YELLOW is the asphalt and sidewalks. GREEN is in the gym.”

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