May 15 2013

Wednesday, May 15

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Where is the time going?!?! Third Graders: Read and Record your minutes. Fourth Graders: Don’t forget your sodas for tomorrow’s Pizza Party, here at school, from 5-6pm!

****Any Fourth Grade parent who is willing to help out with the Economic Fair on Friday from 1:15 – 2:30 would be more than welcome!****

{Our next and final field trip for the year is May 22. Grayson, Brinley, Braxton, Isaac, and Jackson still need to turn on permission slips.} Don’t forget to check SIS…papers were sent home today!  

18 responses so far

May 14 2013

{MoViNg DaY!}

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Several parents have questioned when moving day was and if they could help… First off all, may I say, I am honored and humbled that you would want to help!! SO without further ado…the official moving day will be May 23 after  car duty. We will be moving as much as we can and have the energy to move. When I spoke with Mrs.  Barlow  to get permission to move early, I made sure that any hours used during this move would count toward your volunteer hours..if you still need a few! Thank you again for asking if you could help and being willing to help! Cause we all know, I have a few things…ok, maybe more than a few!

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May 14 2013

Tuesday, May 14

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Thank you for an AWESOME field trip to the Ogden Nature Center!!!!!! Fourth Graders: Don’t forget your items for the Rendezvous Economic Fair!! See ya tomorrow!!

8 responses so far

May 13 2013

Monday, May 13

Published by under Science

Time is flying by! WOWZERS! Third Grade: Tomorrow we will be going to the Ogden Nature Center. Mr.Day and Mrs. Rich will be accompanying us, and are welcome to ride the bus as well… We will be leaving at 10:30am and returning at 2:30pm. PLEASE remember to bring your sack lunch and water bottle. It is going to be a warm day! Fourth Graders: You will be with your Recess/PE groups tomorrow so that I can go with the Third Graders. You will have a regular day schedule.

12 responses so far

May 10 2013

Friday, May 10

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Yeah! Another week of much accomplished, many laughs, and adventures! REMINDER: Next Tuesday is the Third Grade Ogden Nature Center Field Trip! We have chaperones, who are welcome to ride the bus! Bring your lunch, water bottle, and an adventurous spirit! {I still need permission slips from Noah B., Kayla, Brinley, Alyssa, Tyler, Grayson, and Madison} FOURTH GRADE: Don’t forget we are having a celebration PizZa PaRtY on Thursday evening from 5-6pm. Our class is in charge of the sodas, so begin bringing in your 2-liter bottles starting on Monday! There will be games, nail painting, karaoke, and more!!!

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May 09 2013

Thursday, May 9

Published by under Language Arts

You are so awesome! Thanks to all the chaperones who attended the Apple Store Field Trip! We appreciate all you do! Homework: Read and record!

8 responses so far

May 09 2013

CoNgRaTs Fourth Graders!!

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6 responses so far

May 08 2013

ApPlE sToRe!!!

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Don’t forget… drop off is at the train station between 8 and 8:30 and pick up is at the train station at 2:47! thanks!

8 responses so far

May 07 2013

Tuesday, May 7

Published by under Uncategorized

Tomorrow is the big day! APPLE STORE HERE WE COME!!! Please be sure to bring your lunch and cancel your school lunch if you had one scheduled. Be sure to bring a water bottle too! All students should be in uniform, not specific shirt color this time. Be sure to have your backpack with your water bottle, lunch, and a jacket, in case it is chilly. REMEMBER: We are meeting at the Roy station between 8 and 8:20. I will have the student passes purchased and ready and the chaperone passes are ready to go!

24 responses so far

May 07 2013

Parents of Fourth Graders!!!

Published by under Social Studies

We will be having an awards presentation this Thursday, May 9 at 10am. This will be to award the Sons of the Utah Pioneers essay awards….Many awards will be given! We hope to see you there!

3 responses so far

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