Apr 24 2013

Wednesday, April 24

Published by under Homework,Language Arts

Tonight, practice about three items…you know best what you need a smidge more review! **Testing is tomorrow and Friday from 9:30 – 10:30…you may bring in your own snack, nothing to share.** REMEMBER TO EAT A GOOD DINNER, SLEEP WELL, AND EAT A HEALTHY BREAKFAST! YOU ARE AMAZING!

28 responses so far

Apr 23 2013

Tuesday, April 23

Published by under Homework,Language Arts

Point of View review for Third and Fourth Grade. The habitat videos are linked! NO IXL or WORDS THEIR WAY this week, as we are doing only review for the Language Arts Test that will take place this Thursday and Friday.

14 responses so far

Apr 21 2013

Field Trip Tomorrow!!

Published by under Uncategorized

Don’t forget we are meeting at the Roy Station by 8:15am. I will be there at 8am if anyone wants to be there early or needs to for carpool reasons. Don’t forget you lunch, jacket, water, and an adventurous spirit!!! See ya then!!pick up is at 2:47

6 responses so far

Apr 17 2013

Wednesday, April 17

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

The 81 question Multiplication test will now be a part of the math grade and not just used for practice. Please be sure to practice using IXL, flash cards, or previous math tests. Homework: Third Grade: Read and record, IXL I2, practice multiplication, Finish Habitat. Fourth Grade: Read and record, IXL K2, practice multiplication, work on Brainiac. ** Habitat presentations will take place on Friday, April 19 from 2to 3pm. They will be videoed and put on the blog too!**

24 responses so far

Apr 16 2013

Tuesday, April 16

Published by under Language Arts,Math,Science

Great job with our parts of speech review!  We are continuing our “eggcellent” review! Don’t forget the Arby’s fundraiser tonight! homework: Third Grade: IXL I1, read and record, Habitat Fourth Grade: K1, read and record, Brainiac  

26 responses so far

Apr 15 2013

Monday, April 15

**For our field trip to the Apple Store, students will need to bring a flash drive of about 20 pictures to create their iMovie. These pictures should be of family adventures, family photos, individual pictures of the student, basically any pictures that may represent their family and any adventures they wish to have placed in their iMovie. They may also include any music that they would like to incorporate into the project. The flash drive needs to be at school, with pictures and music on it, by Tuesday, May 7.** {We are getting ready for our Field Trip to Thanksgiving Point’s Tulip Festival on Monday, April 22!!! Students should be in school uniform (please wear your spirit shirt or a white shirt). I will bring over their name badges. Be sure to cancel any school lunch orders for that day, as we will not be here for lunch. Students need to bring a lunch (one that does not need to be heated),  a jacket, water bottle, and a camera if desired! Maybe an umbrella, if it is anything like today! Fingers crossed for good weather!!} Homework: Third: Read and record, IXL H9, work on habitat model Fourth: Read and record, IXL J10, work on Braniac (due April 30)

28 responses so far

Apr 12 2013

Friday, April 12

Published by under Science

YAHOOIE!!!!! Science testing is over! And from what I saw, the Fourth Graders did a smashing job!!!! {Our next test is Language Arts on April 25 and 26 for both Third and Fourth Graders} ***Skate Night Tonight!***

Have a great weekend! 

4 responses so far

Apr 11 2013

Thursday, April 11

Great job Fourth Graders on your first day of Science testing! One more to go!!! {We have received all the gum we need! Thanks for the generous donations!!} Homework: Third Grade: Read and record, practice multiplication and Words Their Way words. Fourth Grade: Study Jams, Words Their Way words.

17 responses so far

Apr 10 2013

Wednesday, April 10

Tomorrow is the first day of testing for Fourth Grade! Science part one…PLEASE get a good nights rest. PLEASE eat a good, nutritious breakfast. PLEASE be happy. PLEASE know that YOU CAN DO IT!!! {If you have not turned in your Gum Permission Slip..you need to do so tomorrow!} {Parents: Please send in your “homework”, especially Fourth Grade parents….} Homework: Third Grade: IXL H8, read and record. Fourth Grade: Review Science on StudyJams {WE HAVE SEVERAL FIELD TRIPS COMING UP AND ONLY ONE WILL BE FREE TRANSPORTATION [THANKSGIVING POINT]. THIRD AND FOURTH’S NEXT FIELD TRIP WILL BE TO THE APPLE STORE OM MAY 8 AND WILL COST EACH STUDENT $8 for transportation. Third Grade is going to the Ogden Nature Center on May 14 at 10:30 a. The donation requested for the admission is $3. MAY 22 THIRD AND FOURTH WILL BE GOING TO THE DINOSAUR MUSEUM AT THANKSGIVING POINT AND IT WILL ALSO BE $8 for the transportation and entrance fee. THE DINOSAUR MUSEUM WE HAVE TO PAY FOR BY MAY 1. ALL DONATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AT THE OFFICE…ANY QUESTIONS? PLEASE LET ME KNOW!}        

20 responses so far

Apr 09 2013

Tuesday, April 9

Published by under Uncategorized

Parents: Please don’t forget the little homework assignment I gave you at parent conferences. If I neglected to speak with you about it or you have forgotten, please email me and I will inform/clarify. Thanks! We have all of our chaperones for the Thanksgiving Point trip! Thanks to Ms. Robinson, Ms. Davis, Ms. Mindrum, Ms. Roest, and Ms. Rich! {You will need to provide your train fee of $8 and your lunch. Please meet us at the train station with your student at the 8:15 am time! ThAnKs again!!!} {We can take as many parents with us as we wish to the Apple Store. Please let me know if you are interested in attending…I will need your t-shirt size as soon as possible!} Homework: Third Grade: IXL H7, read and record Fourth Grade: IXL J6, read and record ****Remember….in order to chew gum during testing, you need to have your permission slip turned in by tomorrow****

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