Apr 08 2013

Monday, April 8

Welcome back from a lovely break! Here are a few items for your calendar: April 11: 4th grade Science Test {10:30 am} April 12: 4th grade Science Test {10:30 am} April 19: Third grade Habitat project due {Research is to be completed in class, only representation of habitat needs to be done at home} April 22: Thanksgiving Point for the Tulip Festival {8:30am – 3pm} Parent Chaperones Welcome to attend..we would like five parents for this trip! April 25: Third and Fourth grade English Language Arts test {9:30am} April 26: Third and Fourth grade English Language Arts test {9:30 am} May 8: Field Trip to the Apple Store {8:30am – 3pm} Parent Chaperones Welcome to attend…we can take as many as want to go! HOMEWORK: Third: IXL H6, read and record, practice Words Their Way words Fourth: IXL J5, read and record,practice Words Their Way words

28 responses so far

Apr 04 2013


Published by under Uncategorized

I hope your Spring Break is going well! {HaPpY bIrThDaY greyson!!} Our testing schedule is posted at the top of the blog. Please ensure that your student is at school, on time, ready to go!  We have been approved to have gum during testing.  The permission slip will be posted tomorrow. **ALL STUDENTS WISHING TO CHEW GUM DURING TESTING WILL NEED TO RETURN THE PERMISSION SLIP PRIOR TO THEIR TESTING TIME. NO VERBAL APPROVALS OR EMAILS WILL BE ACCEPTED. thanks!**

4 responses so far

Mar 29 2013

Friday, March 29

Published by under Uncategorized


9 responses so far

Mar 28 2013

Thursday, March 28

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

Tomorrow is $1 dress down and short day! YAHOOIE! Homework: Third Grade: IXL H5, read and record, practice multiplication facts {Our habitat project has been pushed back…we will work on and complete it after Spring Break} Fourth Grade: IXL J4, read and record, practice facts too!

20 responses so far

Mar 27 2013

Wednesday, March 27

Great job with the “surprise” fire drill today! Homework: Third Grade: IXL H4, SPOW is due tomorrow!, read and record Fourth Grade: IXL J3, SPOW is due tomorrow!, read and record

34 responses so far

Mar 26 2013

Tuesday, March 26

I can’t wait to see what happens to your seeds! Homework: Third Grade: IXL H3, SPOW due March 28, read and record Fourth Grade: IXL J2, read and record SPOW due March 28

18 responses so far

Mar 25 2013

Monday, March 25

And we are back! I hope you had a great weekend! Homework: Third Grade: IXL G14, read and record, practice multiplication facts, SPOW due March 28 {Third Graders received a Habitat project that we will be working on in class. They may have some to do at home, but it will be minimal. The project is due April 19.} Fourth Grade:  IXL J1 , read and record, practice multiplication facts, SPOW due March 28

24 responses so far

Mar 21 2013

Thursday, March 21

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

What a way to start the day?! Snow, rain, thunder, lightning, and hail! Holy macaroni and cheese! Homework: Third Grade: IXL G4, read and record, spelling test tomorrow and library. Fourth Grade: IXL I2, read and record, spelling test tomorrow and library.

26 responses so far

Mar 20 2013

Wednesday, March 20

Happy Spring! Homework: Third Grade: IXL G3, read and record, multiplication practice, SPOW Fourth Grade: IXL I1, read and record, multiplication practice, SPOW

22 responses so far

Mar 19 2013

Tuesday, March 19

What a glorious day outside!! Muffin Morning tomorrow! Third Grade Homework: IXL G2, read and record on new paper, practice multiplication facts, SPOW due March 28 Fourth Grade Homework: IXL H2, read and record on new paper, practice multiplication facts, SPOW due March 28 We have two future field trip dates to put on calendars…April 22 Thanksgiving Point {FREE!}, May 8 Apple Store at City Creek {$4 donation requested to pay for the Front Runner} {BOTH OF THESE FIELD TRIPS ARE FOR THIRD AND FOURTH GRADERS}

24 responses so far

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