Mar 18 2013

Monday, March 18

Welcome to a fun filled learning adventure! Homework: Third: IXL G1, read and record {reading logs due by tomorrow}, practice multiplication Fourth: IXL H1, read and record {reading logs due by tomorrow}, SPOW

32 responses so far

Mar 15 2013

Friday, March 15

Published by under Uncategorized

Have a wonderful weekend filled with luck!

6 responses so far

Mar 14 2013

Thursday, March 14 {3.14}

Published by under Language Arts,Math

Happy Pi Day! Homework: Third Grade: IXL F10, read and record, SPOW {DUE MARCH 28} Fourth Grade: IXL G3, read and record, SPOW {DUE MARCH 28}

23 responses so far

Mar 14 2013

HaPpY pI DaY!

Published by under Math

Today is Pi Day and Albert Einstein’s Birthday! We learned about Albert Einstein, Pi, and then made a Pi bracelet up to the 34th digit.  

2 responses so far

Mar 13 2013

Wednesday, March 13

Please check your time and day for conferences…see ya then!   Today, we did a little fencing! In order to protect our rapidly growing tulips, we installed a lovely picket fence around them. We hope that the fence will protect them and that the tulips will now be able to grow without being tromped on… Homework: Third Grade: IXL F9, read and record, practice multiplication Fourth Grade: IXL G2, read and record, SPOW

27 responses so far

Mar 12 2013

Tuesday, March 12

The Book Fair has begun! Homework: Third Grade: IXL F8, read and record, work on SPOW Fourth Grade: IXL G1, read and record, work on SPOW

25 responses so far

Mar 11 2013

Monday, March 11

Published by under Homework,Math,Science

Tuesday, March 12th is Spring pictures for K – 4. This is a FREE dress down day for grades K – 4 only. Parent Conferences are this week…don’t forget to sign up if you have not already! Homework: Third Grade: IXL E15, read and record, practice multiplication, SPOW on Cars and Energy due on March 28. Fourth Grade : IXL F8, read and record, practice multiplication, SPOW on Cars and Energy due on March 28.

28 responses so far

Mar 08 2013

I {lOvE}….

Published by under Uncategorized

I love working with your children! I am thoroughly enjoying their learning styles, humor, and adventurous nature! Today I received an amazing gift….a new “iPad mini”! Thanks for Mr. Sleep, also known as Paul, and our new “iPad mini” !!!   HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!!    

16 responses so far

Mar 07 2013

Thursday, March 7

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

Literacy Night is tonight from 6-7:30pm in the K4 cafagymatorium! A free Dr. Seuss book to every family! Homework: Third Grade: IXL E14, read and record on your reading log. Fourth Grade: IXL F7, read and record on your reading log.  

32 responses so far

Mar 06 2013

Wednesday, March 6

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

FuNkY socks and shoes today!! Tomorrow evening is the Literacy Night at 6pm – 7:30 pm in the K4 lunchroom Homework: Third Grade: IXL E11, read and record. Fourth Grade: IXL F6, read and record.

28 responses so far

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