Mar 05 2013

The Book Fair is coming to Quest!

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The book fair will be in the gym at Quest 1.0 & on the stage at Quest 2.0.
Tues 3/12:     8am – 4pm
Wed 3/13:     8am – 8pm
Thurs 3/14:   8am – 8pm
Fri 3/15:        8am-4pm
                K-5 website:      

2 responses so far

Mar 05 2013

Tuesday, March 5

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

  CrAzY hat and tie day was a success! Tomorrow is cRaZy sock day! Homework:   Third Grade: IXL E5, read and record in planner Fourth Grade: IXL F5, read and record in planner              

26 responses so far

Mar 04 2013

Monday, March 4

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

Dr.Seuss week is underway! Don’t forget to wear a crazy hat or tie tomorrow! Homework: Third Grade: IXL E4, read and record, practice multiplication. Fourth Grade: IXL F4, read and record, practice multiplication.

28 responses so far

Mar 01 2013

Friday, March 1

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Have a great weekend!! Don’t forget to wear  a red shirt on Monday!

8 responses so far

Feb 28 2013

{Thank you!}

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Thank you all who came out to support the Fourth Graders and their Wax Museum! They were stupendous!!!

2 responses so far

Feb 28 2013

Thursday, February 28

You are all so awesome!!! Homework: Third Grade: IXL E3, read and record, practice words for test tomorrow. Fourth Grade: IXL F3, Come to the school at 5:15, in costume, for the Wax Museum from 5:30 to 7pm. Bring a water bottle to help with all of the talking you will be doing! Good luck!!

24 responses so far

Feb 27 2013

Wednesday, February 27

Thank you to those who wore red! I can’t wait till the project is complete! Homework: Third Grade: IXL E2, read and record, practice multiplication for test tomorrow. Fourth Grade: IXL F1, practice your speech!, read and record, be prepared for multiplication test tomorrow.

31 responses so far

Feb 26 2013

Tuesday, February 26

Published by under Uncategorized

Fourth Graders did a great job with their dress rehearsal! ***PLEASE WEAR A RED SHIRT TOMORROW…it is for a special project! Thanks!*** {Don’t forget to sign up for Parent-Student-Teacher Conference!} **Read-a-Thon money is due tomorrow!!** Third Grade: IXL E1, read and record, practice multiplication facts Fourth Grade: IXL E15, practice speech, read and record.

30 responses so far

Feb 25 2013

Monday, February 25

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Welcome back to another exciting week! Third Grade: IXL D7, If you still need pictures or a map  for your Geography project, please locate a few, read and record, practice your words and multiplication. Fourth Grade:  IXL E9, read and record, practice your speech for tomorrow’s presentation{we will be setting up in the cafegymatorium at 8:30 so if you can come a smidge early to get into costume, that would be smashing!}. Be sure to have your completed board, costume, and any props here tomorrow!!!  🙂 ——————————————————————————————————- {TESTING SCHEDULE} Just as a bit of planning, our tentative State testing schedule is: Fourth Grade: Review Science on April 10…Test on April 11 and 12. Review English Language Arts April 24….test on April 25 and 26.  Review Math on May 1…test on May 2 and May 3 Third Grade: Review English Language Arts April 24….test on April 25 and 26.  Review Math on May 1…test on May 2 and May 3

36 responses so far

Feb 25 2013

Parent-Student- Teacher Conferences

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To schedule a conference time, please leave me a comment on the blog and I will put you into the schedule. The times and dates are listed at the top of the blog under {March} **Parent-Student-Teacher conferences** Please be sure to bring your student!

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