Sep 26 2012


Published by under Homework

We began preparations for our tulip planting! We will be planting tomorrow, sometime between noon and 2pm. Students may to bring in gloves or a “planting” shirt, one that won’t matter if it gets a bit dirty or wet. Third and Fourth Grade Homework: Read 20 minutes and record in your planner…maybe the reading log will come tomorrow. Practice your spelling words…do a timed sort or a word hunt..just a few ideas… Brainiac project is due tomorrow…75 words or more and your visual! Work on your SPOW…due October 2 Comment on the blog! Be sure to sign up for Khan Academy and put me as your coach! ๐Ÿ™‚   This class RoCkS!!!!!!

64 responses so far

Sep 25 2012


Published by under Homework

Please be sure to sign up for Khan Academy…and Parent Conferences {comment with your two days and times preferred}. Third and Fourth Grade Homework: Read 20 minutes. New logs are supposed to be distributed tomorrow. In the meantime, record minutes in their planner again. Practice word sorts for spelling. Comment on the blog! Have a great evening!

50 responses so far

Sep 25 2012

Khan Academy sign-up

Published by under Science

Parents, I am wanting to use Khan Academy in the classroom. In order to do this, I need you to go toย www.khanacademy.orgย and sign your student up. Please select the “coach” tab and add me as their coach using the coach id of ย . This way I can see their progress and assist them with their questions. This is one way I am going to help differentiate their learning and continue to advance them. Thank you so much! Mrs. Tucker
Khan Academy

Khan Academy (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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10 responses so far

Sep 25 2012

PaReNt CoNfeReNcEs are coming soon!!!

Published by under Uncategorized

We have Parent Conferences on Monday, October 15 , Tuesday October 16, and Wednesday, October 17. I will update in this post when someone has signed up for a specific time. I will do my best to work with schedules. See you then! October 15 3:30 Ethan Oliver ๐Ÿ™‚ 3:45 Jessie Baker ๐Ÿ™‚ 4:00 Braden Tolman ๐Ÿ™‚ 4:15 Hannah Miller ๐Ÿ™‚ 4:30 4:45 Tyler Mindrum ๐Ÿ™‚ 5:00 5:15 5:30 Brinley Ellsworth ๐Ÿ™‚ 6:15 6:30 Eli Clark ๐Ÿ™‚ 6:45 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45   October 16 3:30 Emily Rich ๐Ÿ™‚ 3:45 4:00 4:15 Isaac Haarala ๐Ÿ™‚ 4:30 Grayson Roest ๐Ÿ™‚ 4:45 5:00 5:15 Kayla Dean ๐Ÿ™‚ 5:30 6:15 Joshua Heath ๐Ÿ™‚ 6:30 Braxton Fong ๐Ÿ™‚ 6:45 Noah Barker ๐Ÿ™‚ 7:00 Ethan Barker ๐Ÿ™‚ 7:15 Leah Davis ๐Ÿ™‚ 7:30 7:45 October 17 1:45 Noah Robinson ๐Ÿ™‚ 2:00 Tyler Maylin ๐Ÿ™‚ 2:15 McCartney Bly ๐Ÿ™‚ 2:30 Madison Williams ๐Ÿ™‚ 2:45 Bryan Martin ๐Ÿ™‚ 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 Tyler Day ๐Ÿ™‚ 4:00 Justin Day ๐Ÿ™‚    

42 responses so far

Sep 24 2012


Published by under Homework,Words Your Way

      Welcome back to another lovely week! While I was away, the class received many “warm fuzzies” for the compliments they received! Therefore, they have earned a “bring your own game” activity for Wednesday! Third and Fourth Grade Homework for tonight: Read 20 minutes. New logs will be distributed tomorrow. In the meantime, record minutes in their planner. Practice word sorts for spelling. I will print out one copy of their words. If they are lost, eaten by the dog, or confiscated by aliens, then the lists are below for them to copy again. Of course, comment on the blog!       Words Their Way Sorts for the week:ย  Blue Sort 5 Blue Sort 6 Blue Sort 18 Blue Sort 19 Green Sort 39 Green Sort 40 Green Sort 43                              

36 responses so far

Sep 20 2012

Thoroughly- Awesome- Thursday!

Published by under Uncategorized

We had a great day! Since it is the end of my week, because I will not be here tomorrow, it was wonderful! Homework for Third and Fourth Grade: Read for twenty minutes. Work on your SPOW and Brainiacs projects. Spelling test for this week will be on Monday! Don’t forget to make a comment on the blog! Have a great evening and weekend!

38 responses so far

Sep 19 2012


Published by under Homework

Ahoy there! We had a great Talk like A Pirate Day today! We were able to use the school’s GPS devices and practice our understanding of latitude and longitude as we searched for “pirate treasure”! ย Here is a video of our adventures! Homework for Third and Fourth: Read for 20 minutes and record. Work on SPOW. Work on Brainiac. Have a great evening! Mrs. Tucker

28 responses so far

Sep 18 2012

Terrific Tuesday!

Published by under Uncategorized

Homework for Third and Fourth Grade Read 20 minutes and record on yellow reading log Practice Words Their Way words Make a comment on the blog about the day.   Be prepared for tomorrow….the Pirates are coming!

44 responses so far

Sep 17 2012

{Field Trip for Fourth Graders}

Published by under Uncategorized


September 18, 2012

  Dear Parents:   It is time for our first field trip of the year. The fourth grade will be going to the โ€œThis is the Place Monumentโ€ on Thursday, October 4th. We will be leaving the school promptly at 8:35 and returning around 2:00. Every student will need a signed permission slip in order to participate. We are also asking for a donation of $3.00 per student to cover the cost of admission and the bus fee. Please give your donation to the front office as soon as possible. Because we will have no way to provide lunch for students on that day, each student will need to bring a lunch from home. Due to limited availability we can only have 5 parent volunteers per class, 3 from Mrs. Tuckerโ€™s class. If you would like to attend the field trip with your student please indicate so on the permission slip. Parent Volunteers will be selected on a first returned form, first selected. You are welcome to attend above the allowable amount, but you will need to provide your own transportation. All Parent Volunteers will be charged a $2.00 admission fee at the door. ย As always, if you have any questions call or e-mail your childโ€™s teacher.   Sincerely,  
The Fourth Grade Team  

Please return to the classroom teacher by September 25, 2012

    ___ I give my student, _____________________, permission to attend the fourth grade field trip to This Is The Place.   ___ I would like to be a parent volunteer on the field trip.   Phone number _____________________________________   Parentโ€™s Signature: ___________________________________  

11 responses so far

Sep 17 2012

Marvelous Monday!

Published by under Homework

What a great start to another week at Tucker Beach! Tonight Third and Fourth Grade Students both have their Brainiac to work on and they received their first take home Science Project of the Week, or SPOW. These will be coming home every other week and will get students engaged in the Scientific Process. Students completed one in class, so they SHOULD be familiar with the process and what is expected. This weeks, actually two weeks, SPOW, called Citrus Sections, is due on October 2. We will do the partner/class graphing in class on October 2 when everyone turns theirs in.   Volunteer Opportunities: I have some laminating that is available for at home hours. Also, we have a field trip for the Fourth Grade coming up on October 4 to This Is The Place in Salt Lake City.   Have a great evening!! Mrs. Tucker

6 responses so far

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