Aug 25 2012

Whew! We made it through the first week!

Published by under Uncategorized

Wow! It is hard to believe that the first week is over! Now the real fun begins! Next week we will be doing a bit of testing to find out where everyone is so we can get moving with the curriculum. Some points of clarification: Daily homework will consist of unfinished classwork and completion of various projects. Students are to have their planner signed each evening, as it will be checked the next day. This allows for open communication and a daily visual of completed work. When all homework, including the planner signature by a parent or guardian, is completed, students will be able to  play “Homeworkopoly” for a chance to win prizes and for overall fun! Students are to read  each night for a minimum of 20 minutes and record it in their planner in the empty box each day. Volunteer opportunities include: after school parking lot duty, working with students {once we get the curriculum going}, at home work such as cutting out lamination and such, and field trips. Thank you for all you do to ensure your child is at school, ready to learn! We are going to have a great year! Please feel free to email, call, or stop by if there are any questions! Mrs. Tucker  

2 responses so far

Aug 21 2012

August 21 homework

Published by under Language Arts

Tonight students are responsible for getting their planner signed, as they should every night, and bringing in their tear-off from their Parent Handbook. This week the homework is to get into the practice of writing the homework assignment down and getting the planner signed. Thanks for all you do! Mrs. Tucker

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Aug 20 2012

First Day…success!

Published by under Homework

We made it through the first day! And what a great one at that! Thank you for the supplies for our room! We will be putting them to good use throughout the year. Homework for tonight is to make sure that your student has a book to read during Silent Sustained Reading time and to bring in a magazine or two that can be cut up. Have a great evening! Mrs. Tucker

One response so far

Aug 19 2012

*Back to School Night*

Published by under Uncategorized

It was so wonderful to see you all at Back  to School Night! Next step on our adventure….the First Day of School!

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Aug 09 2012

Back to School Night

Published by under Uncategorized

Wow…summer is coming to a close and Back To School Night is coming upon us quickly! I look forward to seeing you August 16 at 5:30pm!

2 responses so far

May 18 2012

The Invention Fair

Published by under Social Studies

What an amazing job! I am so pleased with the efforts of the students today. They did a great job of speaking to the visitors and sharing their findings!

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Jan 28 2012

Welcome to Tucker Beach…where the sun is always shining~

Published by under Uncategorized and tagged:

I have finally become a part of the Quest Academy blogging family! I am excited to use this resource as a way to share activities that are taking place in the classroom and keep us all up-to-date!

Please feel free to comment and share!

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