ELA 10-27-14 Agenda

  • Read 15 minutes
  • Get out blank sheet of paper and do journal 1 (on board). ½ page! Put it in ELA folder when done. We will discuss this Wednesday!
  • Get a computer and look up the new spelling and vocabulary words (on blog). Do exercise one for both…on separate sheets of paper.
  • When done with spelling and vocabulary, put your computer away and get a grammar book out. Read page 718 about types of verbs, and then do 1-15 on page 719. We will correct it on Wednesday.
  • Read over the Diary of Anne Frank Unit outline when you’re done with grammar.
  • DO NOT LOSE THE UNIT HANDOUT! Put it in your ELA folder! You will need it for the whole term!
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Anne Frank Vocabulary 1

  1. Appalled- shocked by something dreadful
  2. Tyranny- evil use of power
  3. Loathe- intense hatred
  4. Conspicuous- easily seen
  5. Ostentatious-rich and showy; flashy
  6. Unabashed- unashamed; bold; forward
  7. Zeal- having enthusiasm for something; passion
  8. Gingerly- doing something very carefully or cautiously; delicately.
Ex. 1- Write words and definitions
Ex. 2- Sentences
Ex. 3- Pics
Ex. 4- Synonyms

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Anne Frank Unit Outline

Here is the unit outline for Diary of Anne Frank:

Anne Frank Unit Outline
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Spelling 3

Group A

  1. congratulate
  2. congratulations
  3. graduate
  4. graduation
  5. inspect

Group B

  1. inspection
  2. narrate
  3. narrative
  4. strategy
  5. strategic

Group C

11. embarrassment
12. unnecessary
13. occasionally
14. trespass
15. dismissed

Group D
16. challenge
17. forbidden
18. accompany
19. immediately
20. political

1- write words
2- aCCentuate double leTTers
3- chunk by syllables
4- mirror-rorrim

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Our health class has been discussing the effects that tobacco, alcohol and drugs can have. In corroboration with “Positive Me Week” we will be creating anti-posters and displaying them on the walls of the Jr. High during the week of October 27-31. For this assignment each student will create an anti-poster as a project dealing with either:

1. Tobacco          2. Alcohol           3. Drugs    

You will be required to choose one of the above topics and create a poster board size (if able) advertisement against your topic of choice. Student will include an (original) anti-drug slogan on the poster.  


Grading Criteria                               Points

1. Neatness & Appearance                        5 pts

2. Must be colored                                      5 pts

4. Advertisement/Slogan                                 

   appropriate to chosen topic                  10 pts

                                   TOTAL                     20 points!

**We will be working on this poster during class on Thursday, Oct. 23. If you would like to use a poster board for this assignment, please bring it on Thursday. 🙂

Due Monday, Oct. 27

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ELA 10-20-14 and 10-22-14

  • Finish outline
Outline Examples

  • Write first draft of essay
  • Start revising

Wednesday 10-22

  • Self revise
  • Peer edit
  • Final revisions, print, turn in

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Health Journals 16-20

HJ16- Explain the difference between a physical and physiological addiction.

HJ17- Write two things you know about alcohol and two questions you have about it.

HJ18- Describe the difference between binge drinking and chronic drinking.

HJ19- What are the two areas of the teenage brain most affected by drinking? List one long-term effect for each.

HJ20- In your opinion, what is the most affective method for promoting alcohol abuse prevention for teens?
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  • Journal 19
  • Finish pronoun “quiz”- Correct- Turn in
  • Discuss term essay. (Info on blog.)
  • HOMEWORK: Go to “Term Paper” assignment on my blog and read through the requirements. Go to each of the attachments, then decide 3 things: 1-Which character you want to write your paper on. 2-What will the main point (thesis) of your paper be. 3-What form of informative/explanatory essay you’re going to write (cause & effect or compare/contrast). To get points for this assignment, you need to leave a comment with these 3 things on the “TERM PAPER” blog post.        Not this post!         DUE MONDAY, OCTOBER 14!
  • Finish reading novel! 
  • Prepare role for final literature circle discussion on Monday, Oct. 14!
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ELA Term Paper

Term Paper- Informative/Explanatory character analysis

By the end of the book, most of the main characters have been transformed by their experiences of life under military occupation. This transformation is one of the main themes of the book. For Karim, growing up means learning about the realities of the occupation and discovering his own courage and capacity for resistance.

For your term paper you will be choosing a character from the book and explaining how they have grown/changed for the better, or maybe for the worse, due to their experiences. You will be expected to clearly explain your idea and back it up with examples from the text. The type of informative/explanatory essay that will fit best will be either ‘compare/contrast’ or ’cause and effect.’

Informational-Explanatory CompareContrast

Informational-Explanatory Cause and Effect


  • 2 pages, 1.5 spacing. 11-12 pt font (default)
  • Paper must be organized with a clear well developed thesis, or main idea. (Remember-Be specific with your idea!)
  • Use concrete details and quotations from text.
  • Use appropriate and varied transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships of the different points.
  • Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to explain idea. (example: “occupation” “curfew”)
  • Formal writing style (not a journal entry)
  • Must have a concluding statement that supports and “wraps- up” main idea.

Informational-Explanatory Essay Rubric

Start thinking NOW about who you would like to write you paper on. Who stands out to you? Who do you find the most interesting or has gone through the most notable change? Who do you relate to the most?

**HOMEWORK DUE by MONDAY, OCT. 14: After you’ve read through these requirements, and have read through each of the attachments, you must decide 3 things: 1-Which character you want to write your paper on. 2-What will the main point (thesis) of your paper be. 3-What form of informative/explanatory essay you’re going to write (cause & effect or compare/contrast). To get points for this assignment, you need to leave a comment on this post with these 3 things. 🙂    

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ELA 10-7-14

  • Read ch. 22-23 in LPoG
  • Journal 18
  • Vocabulary 2 : QUIZ  –all 4 exercises due
  • Pronoun quiz- (p. 716-17, 1-30)
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