Week 12/11 – 12/15

Last week…

  • Magic Show –  We were the only grade to attend a special assembly featuring a magician because we had the most students attend the Reindeer Run! Way to go, fifth graders!!! 

Here is a look at what’s happening in our class next week…

Polar Express Party – Parents, don’t forget that you need to sign the permission for in order for your child to have treats at our party on Friday, December 15th. Students can dress in their pajamas, or free dress down that day. They may bring a stuffed animal or pillow. Here is the link for the permission form: 

Polar Express Party Permission Form

Library: Books that have been checked out are due back every Monday morning. 

Homework: Reading comprehension and chapter summaries on Google Classroom.  Reading 25 minutes daily Mon. – Thurs. Homework is due Thursday night, 12/14.

Math: This week we are working on interpreting a fraction as division of the numerator by the denominator (a/b = a ÷ b)

Science: We are beginning our unit on magnets. Students will understand that magnetism can be observed when there is an interaction between the magnetic fields of magnets or between a magnet and materials made of iron.

Language Arts: Unit 3 Week 3
Essential Question: Where can you find patterns in nature?
Stories: The Story of SnowFibonacci’s Amazing Find, & Patterns of Change
Comprehension: ask & answer questions


  1. footprint
  2. fairground
  3. although
  4. laughter
  5. appoint
  6. coastal
  7. bleachers
  8. grownup
  9. encounter
  10. grouchy
  11. flawless
  12. lawyer
  13. entertain
  14. applause
  15. faucet
  16. caution
  17. boundary
  18. doubting
  19. southern
  20. roughness


  1. contact – a touching or meeting of persons or things
  2. erode – to wear or wash away slowly; eat away
  3. formation – something formed or made
  4. moisture – water or liquid in the air or on a surface; slight wetness
  5. particles – very small bits or pieces of something
  6. repetition – the act or process of doing again or repeating
  7. structure – an arrangement of parts
  8. visible – able to be seen