Summer Reading Programs

Summer Reading Programs

To encourage reading throughout the summer check out these fun summer reading programs:

BN-Summer-Reading_736-x-310Barnes and Noble- 
Summer Reading Program  

Fill out the reading journal, then bring your completed journal to a Barnes and Noble store to receive a FREE book.  Click here for more information and to print your own reading journal: Barnes and Noble Summer Reading

stampede_to_read_click_graphic_2_0Weber County Libraries- 
Stampede to Read Program

Register today for the summer reading program.  You can also download a summer reading packet and find monthly events here: Weber County Summer Reading 

69d52-M_Heart_coloredDavis County Libraries-

“Libraries Rock”
Come join the summer fun! There’s something for everyone. For more information click here: Davis County Summer Reading

Screenshot 2018-05-08 21.10.09Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge-
Help our school log the most summer reading minutes, beginning NOW: Scholastic Summer Reading

usf_logoUtah State Fair Read & Win-
Read books and win a ticket to the Utah State Fair. Click here for details and to access the entry form: Utah State Fair Reading Program
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Super Celebration

Dear Parents,
Thank you again for a wonderful celebration for your children today. It was so great to see them shine. It was a great turn-out. I hope everyone got a chance to come in a get a photo of your child. I’m sorry that I forgot to mention a few details, and a few of you may have left before I got the information to you.

I am working on saving the video with a link to QAC tube so you can save it to your computer. If that doesn’t work then I will burn a DVD for each of you. But I have it loading one more time and I should have that for you in the next few days. Also, Leslie took video of the program for us, so I will also make a link for that for you. 

If you didn’t get a chance to pick up your child’s spring pictures, then I will send those home on Wednesday. Watch for them in the backpack. Just send back the money if you choose to keep them. If not, then you can return them. I also have your child’s journal and test results. If you didn’t pick them up, I will send them home too.

Even though we have done our celebration, it will be business as usual until May 25th. We have plenty to do still. We will finish our insect unit and literature units and we have a couple of assemblies.You can send backpacks every day except maybe the 25th. I will be cleaning things out and they may have more to bring home. Our Pancake Party is the 23rd, but that will be our regular schedule. Thursday and Friday, 24th and 25th are early out days. 

Let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks again for a great day. See you all tomorrow.

Kindergarten Class Program/Graduation

Dear Parents,
We are so excited to share with you tomorrow. The program will start at 9:00 in the Q2 Gym.  Your child should arrive at 8:25 as usual. I will pick them up from the playground and go straight to the gym for a quick rehearsal. Please wait until 9:00 to join us so I can get them situated.  No backpacks needed tomorrow. 

Your child can wear their best dress-meaning church/wedding or fancy clothes.  But, it’s your child and your memories so you can choose. But please no distracting costumes or accessories.  

We are using sunglasses as a prop for one of our songs. Some kids want to bring their own, and that would be great because I barely have enough, so I can have a few for back-up. Please write your child’s name on the inside of the ear piece to identify if they bring their own glasses. 

We will perform and then watch our class video in Q2. The PE class scheduled for the gym  is working outside for our benefit, so we will then head back to the classroom for a light refreshment, photos and socializing. I have compiled a small folder with some of your child’s work and all the test results for you. You can grab that from our classroom as well. Your child should go home with you directly following our celebration. 

We can’t wait! We will see you all tomorrow! Let me know if you have any questions.

Treehouse Filed Trip Photos

Sorry these are so late. But there are some amazing photos of your kids from our Treehouse Field Trip. I want you to have all of them that you want. There are over 100 photos. Enjoy these!

Kindergarten Program Date Change

Dear Parents,
I am so sorry that there is a scheduling conflict with our previously scheduled Kindergarten Program on May 17th.
I have rescheduled the program for Tuesday, May 15th at 9:00 a.m.

We will be on the stage in the Q2 gym. Please mark your calendars. The entire program will be less than an hour. The students can leave with you afterward. The students should wear their best dress for the program. Each child will have his/her own speaking part and many songs and poems we will share with you. I will be sending the speaking parts home shortly so that they can be memorizing it. Please help them practice in front of someone besides you so they get use the pressure. We are excited to share with you.

Sea Quest Photos

We had a great time at the Sea Quest Aquarium on Friday. I have included a gallery of photos so you can choose to move them to your own computer. Feel free to look through and copy any photos of your child. Thank you to Mrs. Barrett for her diligence in taking all the photos. I hope we got some pics of everyone. Also I made a fun video of our field trip. Here is the link to access it on QACtube.  Sea Quest Video

Field Trip Details

We are excited for the field trip on Friday. The students will come to school at our normal time 8:25. They will line up outside as usual. We will bring them into the classroom to put them into chaperone groups. All chaperones should meet in my classroom at 8:25 also. We will then board the bus and travel to Layton to the Aquarium. All parents will travel in their own vehicles and meet us there. When we get off the bus, we will meet downstairs outside the aquarium where they will have us in class groups. We will divide up there. If you have a pass will you please respond to this email and let me know the name your pass is under. I will give that information to the aquarium when we check in. Part of the donation went to Aquarium fees, the other part was to cover the bus. But it will help some to let them know you have a pass.
Mrs. Cowan