Homework for May 11-15th

Guess What???  This is our LAST week of homework!!!  Isn’t that exciting???  We are starting to wind down for summer.  This is the last week of SAGE testing.  Just a reminder that we have our SAGE MAth tests on this Tuesday and Thursday from 8:40-9:40, so please make sure all students are on time.  

Monday-line plots hmwk




Friday-Reading Log

Homework for April 27-May 1st

I have REALLY good news to share with you all!!!  We are done with Words Their Way Sorts, so NO more spelling! Yay!  We are so busy trying to get ready for SAGE Testing the next few weeks.  We will be doubling up on math each day for the next two weeks to cover all the material before the testing.  It is very important for all students to be at school (on time) for the next three weeks.  Thanks for all your support in preparing our class to do awesome on SAGE!!!
**Don’t forget that April poems need to passed off by Thursday and Great Brains turned in by Thursday as well.**
Monday-perimeter hmwk 1

Tuesday-perimeter hmwk 2

Wednesday- perimeter hmwk 3

Thursday-area hmwk 1

Friday- Turn in homework and Sort and Reading Log

Homework April 20-24th

Group #1-yellow sort 32
Group# 2-yellow sort 38
Group #3-yellow sort 49
Group #4-green sort 10
Math-quads hmwk

Tuesday-ABC Sort

Wednesday- Speed Sort

Thursday-Open Sort (Sort any way you’d like.)

Friday- Turn in homework and Sort and Reading Log

Homework for April 6-10th

I hope everyone had a wonderful Spring Break!!!  It was such a nice and relaxing break away from school! Let’s get back into school mode for 7 more weeks!!!  The countdown begins!  We will be spending all of April preparing for the SAGE tests, so please make sure your children are at school and on time.  Thanks so much for all your hard work!!!
Group #1-yellow sort 30
Group# 2-yellow sort 36
Group #3-yellow sort 47
Group #4-green sort 8
Math-Time to the Minute

Tuesday-ABC Sort

Wednesday- Speed Sort
Math-elapsed time 2

Thursday-Open Sort (Sort any way you’d like.)
Math-elapsed time 3

Friday- Turn in homework and Sort and Reading Log.