Prodigy Group Discount

Prodigy is offering POQA the opportunity for any parents who are interested in upgrading their student’s free account to the paid version an annual rate of $12 per student account. The normal rate is approximately $9 per month or $60 per year so this is a significant (80%) discount! In order to receive this rate, a minimum of 30 parents must be willing to purchase the upgrade at the discounted rate. ($12 for 12 months!) If you are interested in participating in this optional parent discount program, here is what you need to do:
  • Have a parent account on (This is free and simple to create. Go to this website and create a “Parent Account” under the “Get your free account” link.) 
  • Link your student’s account to your personal parent account. If they use it in class, they have an existing account that can be linked to both their teacher and parent’s accounts. (They will need their log­in and password from school for you to link them.) 
  • Fill out the enrollment form below and return it to the office with $12 (preferably cash to make the process as simple as possible or check made out to POQA). 
  • Submit the form and money to the office by Wednesday, March 23rd.​(In order to have the upgrade ready for Spring Break Math practice!) 
  • Existing upgraded members: This discounted annual membership would go into effect at the end of your current paid membership expiration.
  • Prodigy Parents Form

Homework for the Week March 13, 2016

  • Don’t forget to bring in box tops! We were number 1 last week, let’s keep it up!!
  • Quest Gala on March 21st
  • All clubs are in progress. Dash & Dot and Chimes are Tuesday 3:00 – 4:00. Running Club is Wednesdays from 3:15 – 4:15. Please make arrangements to pick up your child as soon as their club is finished.
  • No school March 18th.
Sort and Reading Log

Word Sorts

Blue Group-Sort

Yellow Group-Sort

Green Group-Sort

Orange Group-Sort

Monday-ABC Sort
Tuesday-Speed Sort
Wednesday-Glue Sort

Homework for the Week March 7, 2016

  • Don’t forget to bring in box tops! We were number 1 last week, let’s keep it up!!
  • Quest Gala on March 21st
  • All clubs are in progress. Dash & Dot and Chimes are Tuesday 3:00 – 4:00. Running Club is 3:15 – 4:15. Please make arrangements to pick up your child as soon as their club is finished.
Sort and Reading Log

Word Sorts

Blue Group-Sort/Key

Yellow Group-Sort/Key

Green Group-Sort/Key

Orange Group-Sort/Key

Monday-ABC Sort
Tuesday-Speed Sort
Wednesday-No Peeking Sort
Thursday-Glue Sort

Homework for the Week of February 29, 2016

  • Don’t forget to bring in box tops! We were number 1 last week, let’s keep it up!!
  • 3rd Grade is in charge of making a basket to auction. We have chosen to do a sports theme, i.e. Jazz, Utah, BYU, etc. Donations would be welcome! We have a 3rd grade parent who will be putting the basket together. Donations can be brought in starting today. Thanks!!
Sort and Reading Log

Word Sorts

Blue Group-Sort

Yellow Group-Sort

Green Group-Sorts

Orange Group-Sort

Monday-ABC Sort
Tuesday-Speed Sort
Wednesday-No Peeking Sort
Thursday-Glue Sort

Homework for the Week of Feb. 22, 2016

  • Field Trip Wednesday!!!
  • Don’t forget to bring in box tops
  • 3rd Grade is in charge of making a basket to auction. We have chosen to do a sports theme, i.e. Jazz, Utah, BYU, etc. Donations would be welcome! We have a 3rd grade parent who will be putting the basket together. Donations can be brought in starting today. Thanks!!
  • SEPs are Thursday. I have one opening at 5:05.
Sort and Reading Log

Word Sorts

Blue Group-Sort/Key

Yellow Group-Sort/Key

Green Group-Sort/Key

Orange Group-Sort/Key

Monday-ABC Sort
Tuesday-Speed Sort
Wednesday-No Peeking Sort
Thursday-Glue Sort
  • 20 minutes of reading
  • Comparing Fractions Evens (This is the same page as Wednesday)

Homework for the Week of Feb. 15, 2016

  • Don’t forget to bring in box tops
  • Field trip to the Planetarium on Feb. 24th
  • 3rd Grade is in charge of making a basket to auction at the upcoming gala on March 21st. We have chosen to do a sports theme, i.e. Jazz, Utah, BYU, etc. Donations would be welcome! We have a 3rd grade parent who will be putting the basket together. Thanks!!
Sort and Reading Log

Word Sorts

No sorts this week because it is a short week.

Tuesday-Speed Sort
Wednesday-No Peeking Sort
Thursday-Glue Sort

Homework for the Week of Feb. 8, 2016

  • Don’t forget to bring in box tops
  • Multiplication Madness party is on Feb. 12th (this Friday!!!) 
  • 3rd Grade is in charge of making a basket to auction. We have chosen to do a sports theme, i.e. Jazz, Utah, BYU, etc. Donations would be welcome! We have a 3rd grade parent who will be putting the basket together. Donations can be brought in starting today. Thanks!!
Sort and Reading Log

Word Sorts

Blue Group-Sort/Key

Yellow Group-Sort/Key

Green Group-Sort/Key

Orange Group-Sort/Key

Monday-ABC Sort
Tuesday-Speed Sort
Wednesday-No Peeking Sort
Thursday-Glue Sort

Homework for the Week of Feb 1, 2016

  • Don’t forget to bring in box tops
  • Multiplication Madness party is on Feb. 12th (next Friday!!!) Our class is collecting squeeze chocolate sauce and squeeze strawberry sauce for our ice cream sundaes.
  • Field trip this Thursday!!!
  • 3rd Grade is in charge of making a basket to auction. We have chosen to do a sports theme, i.e. Jazz, Utah, BYU, etc. Donations would be welcome! We have a 3rd grade parent who will be putting the basket together. Donations can be brought in starting today. Thanks!!
  • Superbowl Inference Party this Friday!
Sort and Reading Log

Word Sorts

Blue Group-Sort/Key

Yellow Group-Sort/Key

Green Group-Sort/Key

Orange Group-Sort/Key

Monday-ABC Sort
Tuesday-Speed Sort
Wednesday-No Peeking Sort
Thursday-Glue Sort

Homework for the Week Jan 25, 2016


  • Don’t forget to bring in box tops
  • Multiplication Madness party is on Feb. 12th
  • Field trip Feb. 4th. Permission slip–Children’s Theatre Permission Slip
  • 3rd Grade is in charge of making a basket to auction. We have chosen to do a sports theme, i.e. Jazz, Utah, BYU, etc. Donations would be welcome, as well as a parent who would like to spearhead the project. Let me know if you are interested. Donations can be brought in starting today. Thanks!!
Sort and Reading Log

Word Sorts

Blue Group-Sort/Key

Yellow Group-Sort/Key

Green Group-Sort/Key

Orange Group-Sort/Key

Monday-ABC Sort
Tuesday-Speed Sort
Wednesday-No Peeking Sort
Thursday-Glue Sort
  • 20 minutes of reading
  • Chapter Review Odds

Homework for the Week of Jan 18, 2016

Sort and Reading Log

Word Sorts

Blue Group-Sort/Key

Yellow Group-Sort/Key

Green Group-Coming Sort/Key


Orange Group-Sort/Key

Tuesday-Speed Sort
Wednesday-No Peeking Sort
Thursday-Glue Sort